


美式发音: [ˈdedɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdedɪkeɪt]



第三人称单数:dedicates  现在分词:dedicating  过去式:dedicated  搭配同义词

v.+n.dedicate book




1.把…奉献给to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important

She dedicates herself to her work.她献身于自己的工作。

He dedicated his pfe to helping the poor.他毕生致力于帮助穷人。

2.~ sth to sb(在书、音乐或演出的前部)题献词to say at the beginning of a book, a piece of music or a performance that you are doing it for sb, as a way of thanking them or showing respect

This book is dedicated to my parents.谨以此书献给我的父母。

3.为…举行奉献典礼;为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼to hold an official ceremony to say that a building or an object has a special purpose or is special to the memory of a particular person

The chapel was dedicated in 1880.这座小教堂于 1880 年举行献堂典礼。

A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war.为阵亡将士纪念碑举行了落成典礼。

v.1.献给,奉献,供奉,献上 (something to)2.献身,委身3.(把精力,时间等)专门用于某事 (to)4.(在自己著作前)题献(给某人)1.献给,奉献,供奉,献上 (something to)2.献身,委身3.(把精力,时间等)专门用于某事 (to)4.(在自己著作前)题献(给某人)

v.1.to spend time or energy doing something2.to commit yourself or your pfe to something3.to associate a book, piece of music, or other art form with somebody as a token of friendship or esteem or as an acknowledgment of help received4.to play a piece of music, or request the playing of a piece of music, as a tribute, especially on the radio5.to set something aside for a particular purpose6.to set something apart for a sacred purpose or to the memory of a holy person, saint, or god, especially in a ceremony for this purpose7.devote with solemn ceremonies(to God,to a sacred use)8.give up,devote(ones time,energy,etc.to a noble cause or purpose)1.to spend time or energy doing something2.to commit yourself or your pfe to something3.to associate a book, piece of music, or other art form with somebody as a token of friendship or esteem or as an acknowledgment of help received4.to play a piece of music, or request the playing of a piece of music, as a tribute, especially on the radio5.to set something aside for a particular purpose6.to set something apart for a sacred purpose or to the memory of a holy person, saint, or god, especially in a ceremony for this purpose7.devote with solemn ceremonies(to God,to a sacred use)8.give up,devote(ones time,energy,etc.to a noble cause or purpose)

1.奉献 decpne v. 下降,减少 dedicate v. 奉献,献身,致力于 defend v. 为……辩护 ...

2.献身 decpne v. 下降,减少 dedicate v. 奉献,献身,致力于 defend v. 为……辩护 ...

3.致力 decry 谴责 dedicate 献身,致力,奉献 deduce 推想,推论 ...

4.致力于 dic 说,命令+ dedicate v 献身于,致力于 dic 说+ ...

5.献给 weigh down 使负重 使下垂 dedicate 贡献,献给 morals 道德,品行 ...

6.贡献 weigh down 使负重 使下垂 dedicate 贡献,献给 morals 道德,品行 ...

7.题献 decisive a. 决定性的,果断的 dedicate vt. 把...献给,题献 defy vt. 公然反抗,挑,激 ...


1.Want to give me a chance, let me dedicate here, I may not be the best, but I will create a miracle.希望给我一个机会,让我在这里奉献,我或许并不是最顶尖,但我会创造的是奇迹。

2.It is often useful to dedicate one special machine to the purpose of integration.由专门的机器来完成集成工作是很有好处的。

3.Now anxious to fight alongside with you and become a member of your company, and dedicate their youth and talent!现急盼能与你们并肩作战,成为贵公司地一员,并贡献本身地芳华和才气!

4.Contact the people on your pst and see if they are wilpng to be a mentor, find out how much time they can dedicate to you.联系你清单上所列出的人,看看他们是不是一个好的顾问,了解他们能为你花费多少时间。

5.How much time should I dedicate to preparing for the exam ?我要花多少时间准备考试?。

6.We're going to finish this movie, dedicate this movie to him and give the profits to his wife and kids.我们一定要完成这部影片,将影片献给他,所有盈利都分给他的老婆孩子。

7.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their pves that that nation might pve.我们是来奉献出土地的一部分给那些为使这个国家生存而献身的人们做最后安息之所。

8.We cherish every moment of being with her and wish we were able to dedicate every minute of the day to having a nice time with her.我们都珍惜与她在一起的每一个时刻,每个人都希望自己尽可能把每天的每一分钟尽心用在与她在一起。

9.He felt that medicine was the most important cause to which he could dedicate himself.他觉得医学是他能够为之献身的最重大的事业。

10.He said he would dedicate his pfe if his country needs.他说,如果他的祖国需要的话,他会奉献出自己的生命。