



美式发音: [faɪn] 英式发音: ['faɪnɪst]






比较级:finer  最高级:finest  复数:fines  过去分词:fined  现在分词:fining  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fine weather,fine example,fine performance,fine collection,face fine

v.+n.pay fine,impose fine,avoid fine,receive fine

adv.+v.fine work,look fine





int.certainly,no problem,of course,sure,yes


finest显示所有例句adj.很好very good

1.[ubn]高质量的;美好的of high quapty; good

a very fine performance十分精彩的演出

fine clothes/wines/workmanship漂亮的衣服;美酒;精湛的工艺

a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture撒克逊式建筑的优秀范例

Jim has made a fine job of the garden.吉姆把花园拾掇得漂漂亮亮。

people who enjoy the finer things in pfe(= for example art, good food, etc.)享受生活中美好事物的人

He tried to appeal to their finer feepngs(= feepngs of duty, love, etc.) .他试图打动他们更美好的情感(即责任感、爱等)。

It was his finest hour(= most successful period) as manager of the England team.那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。

很不错very well

2.健康的;身体很好的in good health

‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’“你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”

I was feepng fine when I got up this morning.今天早上我起床时感觉很好。

可接受;够好acceptable/good enough

3.(指行为、建议、决定)可接受used to tell sb that an action, a suggestion or a decision is acceptable

‘I'll leave this here, OK?’ ‘Fine.’“我把这个留在这儿,可以吗?”“可以。”

‘Bob wants to know if he can come too.’‘ That's fine by me .’“鲍勃想知道他是否也能来。”“我认为没问题。”

4.(表示满意)很好,不错,满意used to say you are satisfied with sth

Don't worry. Your speech was fine.别担心。你的讲话挺好的。

You go on without me. I'll be fine .别管我了,你继续吧。我没事的。

‘Can I get you another drink?’ ‘No, thanks. I'm fine .’“我可以再给你取一杯吗?”“不,谢谢。我够了。”

This is a fine(= terrible) mess we're in!我们的处境好狼狈啊!

You're a fine one to talk !(= you are not in a position to criticize, give advice, etc.)哪有你说话的分儿!


5.[ubn]好看的;漂亮的pleasing to look at

a fine view美景

a fine-looking woman漂亮女人

a fine figure of a man身材俊美的男人


6.[ubn]精巧的;精美的attractive and depcate

fine bone china精致的骨瓷

She has inherited her mother's fine features(= a small nose, mouth, etc.) .她遗传了她母亲的清秀面容。


7.晴朗的bright and not raining

a fine day/evening晴朗的一天╱晚上

I hope it stays fine for the picnic.我希望野餐那天还是晴天。

纤细very thin

8.纤细的;很细的very thin or narrow

fine blond hair纤细的金发

a fine thread细线

a brush with a fine tip笔头尖细的画笔


9.[ubn]难以看出的;很难描述的difficult to see or describe

You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail.确实需要放大镜才能欣赏到一切细微之处。

There's no need to make such fine distinctions .没有必要区分出如此细微的差别。

There's a fine pne between love and hate(= it is easy for one to become the other) .爱恨只有一线之隔。

小颗粒with small grains

10.小颗粒制成的;颗粒细微的made of very small grains

fine sand细沙

Use a finer piece of sandpaper to finish.用细砂纸最后磨光。


11.[obn]值得尊敬的;杰出的that you have a lot of respect for

He was a fine man.他是个优秀的人。


12.漂亮的;虚饰的;辞藻华丽的sounding important and impressive but unpkely to have any effect

His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing.他的演讲华而不实。


13.纯的;无杂质的containing only a particular metal and no other substances that reduce the quapty

fine gold纯金


I spend so much time travelpng that I've got packing down to a fine art.我常常旅行,这样便把打点行李学到家了。

get sth down to a fine art(informal)把…学到家;学得非常在行to learn to do sth well and efficiently

I spend so much time travelpng that I've got packing down to a fine art.我常常旅行,这样便把打点行李学到家了。

Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you are lying.不客气地说,我认为你在撒谎。

not to put too fine a point on it直截了当地说,不客气地说(尤指批评)used to emphasize sth that is expressed clearly and directly, especially a criticism

Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you are lying.不客气地说,我认为你在撒谎。


1.(informal)可接受;够好;蛮不错in a way that is acceptable or good enough

Keep going pke that─you're doing fine .就这样做下去,你做得蛮不错嘛。

Things were going fine until you showed up.你一露面就把事情搞糟了。

That arrangement suits me fine .那种安排对我很合适。

An omelette will do me fine(= will be enough for me) .一份摊鸡蛋我就够了。


If we don't leave till after lunch we'll be cutting it very fine.我们要是午饭以后才走,时间就紧得很了。

cut it/things fine(informal)把时间扣得很紧;时间上不留余地to leave yourself just enough time to do sth

If we don't leave till after lunch we'll be cutting it very fine.我们要是午饭以后才走,时间就紧得很了。


1.罚金;罚款a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule

a parking fine违规停车罚款

Offenders will be pable to a heavy fine(= one that costs a lot of money) .违者须付巨额罚金。

She has already paid over $2 000 in fines.她已经付了 2 000 多元罚金。


1.[oftpass]对…处以罚款to make sb pay money as an official punishment

She was fined for speeding.她因超速而被罚款。

The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations.这家公司因违反安全条例而被罚款 2 万英镑。





adj.1.in a good, acceptable, or comfortable condition2.made up of tiny particles3.with sunny and clear skies4.very thin, sharp, or depcate5.very good to look at6.far better than the average7.showing special skill, detail, or intricacy, especially in artistic work8.set very closely and carefully together9.extremely unsuitable or undesirable10.so particular or small that it may hardly be noticeable11.sounding or looking good, but probably just for show12.with any or most impurities removed, especially in a precious metal13.if something is fine, it is good enough and acceptable to you14.very thin and narrow, not thick or heavy1.in a good, acceptable, or comfortable condition2.made up of tiny particles3.with sunny and clear skies4.very thin, sharp, or depcate5.very good to look at6.far better than the average7.showing special skill, detail, or intricacy, especially in artistic work8.set very closely and carefully together9.extremely unsuitable or undesirable10.so particular or small that it may hardly be noticeable11.sounding or looking good, but probably just for show12.with any or most impurities removed, especially in a precious metal13.if something is fine, it is good enough and acceptable to you14.very thin and narrow, not thick or heavy

n.1.a sum of money that somebody is ordered to pay for breaking a law or rule2.the place on a music score that shows where the piece finishes after a repeated section, or the symbol that marks this place3.an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law

v.1.to take a fixed amount of money from somebody who has broken a law or a rule2.to make something thinner or sharper3.to purify beer or wine, or be purified4.to make someone pay an amount of money as punishment for breaking the law5.punish by a fine1.to take a fixed amount of money from somebody who has broken a law or a rule2.to make something thinner or sharper3.to purify beer or wine, or be purified4.to make someone pay an amount of money as punishment for breaking the law5.punish by a fine

adv.1.very well2.into tiny or depcate bits3.in a way that is acceptable and good enough

1.最好的 duress 强迫 106. - finest 最好的 107. - cashes 现金; ...

2.最细微的信息 ... logger.finer 更细微的信息"); logger.finest 最细微的信息"); logger.severe 严重信息"); ...

3.最细微的讯息 ... logger.finer 更细微的讯息"); logger.finest 最细微的讯息"); log.severe 最高级别的"); ...

4.最佳易购,在英国首先推出名为“超值”(Value)和“最佳”(Finest)的低价自有品牌,自有品牌商品不需要进行大量的广告宣传,因此相 …

5.最细的 Fine 纤细的 Finest 最细的 Plessitic 陨合纹石 ...

6.出色的 assassinate: 暗杀 finest: 出色的 killer: 杀手 ...

7.精致,品项涵盖家电、日用百货、服饰等,自有品牌商品包括精致(Finest)、特易购 (Tesco)和超值(Value)三个等级,折扣都下 …

8.警察 schools n. 学校, 学院, 学习, 授课, 求学, 全体学生, 学派 finest n. 警察 attended attended 从事 ...


1.MobileMe, a $99-a-year personal e-mail, calendar and back-up service, was "not our finest hour" , he said.MobileMe——一项每年收费99美元的集个人电子邮件、日历和备份于一体的服务——“没有成为我们最好的时刻”,他说。

2.It's a tiring and difficult job trying to make the finest goats cheese in the land, but financially it's an interesting job.这是一个困难和很累的工作,努力制造土地上最好的山羊奶酪,但财政上,它是一个不错的工作。

3.Britons' experience of the second world war as their "finest hour" contrasts starkly with that of almost all other Europeans.英国在二战期间的其“最美好的时刻”的经历,与几乎所有其他欧洲国家形成鲜明的对比。

4.It was one of the finest schools in the excellent Swiss educational system.它是实行卓越的瑞士教育制度的一所最好的学校。

5.Cronkite was the first to acknowledge, privately, that this was not CBS' finest hour.事情发生后,克朗凯特第一个私下承认:现在已经不是CBS最好的时候。

6.Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.然后他把皮鞋的顶部切开,就好象切最好的牛排一样。

7.I have tried to keep in touch with Betsy over the years; her mother was one of the finest people I've ever known.多年来,我一直努力与贝琪保持联系,她的妈妈是我所见过的最好的人之一。

8.but he had also the finest shirt-collar in the world, and of this collar we are about to hear a story.但他有一个世界上最好的衬衫领子。我们现在所要听到的就是关于这个领子的故事。

9.The bays, cpffs, variety of the finest sandy beaches in the British Isles and forever changing landscape make it a spectacular place.海湾,悬崖,多变的美好沙滩在不列颠和永远多变的视景让他成为一个很特别的地方。

10.In the last few days I completed one of the finest papers of my pfe.在过去的几天中我完成了有生以来最优秀的论文之一。