


美式发音: [dɪˈdʌkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'dʌkʃ(ə)n]



复数:deductions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make deduction





1.[u][c]演绎;推论;推理the process of using information you have in order to understand a particular situation or to find the answer to a problem

He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.他通过一番简单的推理得出了解决问题的方法。

If my deductions are correct, I can tell you who the killer was.如果我的推论正确的话,我可以告诉你谁是凶手。

2.[u][c]扣除(额);减去(数)the process of taking an amount of sth, especially money, away from a total; the amount that is taken away

deductions from your pay for tax, etc.从工资中扣除税金等的数额

tax deductions减税额


n.1.an amount or number taken from a total; the process of taking an amount or number from a total2.something that you know from the information or evidence that you have; the process of finding something out by considering the information or evidence that you have

1.演绎 currency 货币;流通;通用 6. deduction 扣除;扣除额 7. deposit 付押金;付保证金 8. ...

4.推论 deduce v 推论,演绎 deduction n 推论;减法 induce v 劝诱,诱导 ...

5.扣除额 ... Net revenue 收入净额 Deduction 扣除额 Approved taxable income calculation 核定应纳税所得额的计算 ...

6.推导 declaration 声明 deduction 推导 DEFAULT constraint 默认约束 ...

7.扣减 deadlock 僵局 deduction 扣减 deed of guarantee 担保契约 ...

8.减除 decision-making power 决策权 deduction 减除 deed of trust 信托契约;委托 …


1.If I were just renting, would I be able to claim a deduction for that?如果我只是租房子,我可以申报扣缴吗?

2.A husband may claim deduction for payments made by his wife, and vice versa.丈夫可申索扣除其妻子所缴付的款项,反之亦然。

3.From the air, looking down, the entire office complex is pke an inverted deduction of the oven rack.从空中俯视,整处建筑群就像是一个倒扣的烤炉架。

4.The proof of that is contained in the whole deduction and development of thought up to this point.前此全部思维的一切发挥和发展,都包含着对这一命题的证明。

5.You can quickly adjust to an automatic payroll deduction, to set up an emergency fund or to put towards investments.你可以很快地适应企业自动减薪.把钱投入风险基金(或意外保险)或用于你的投资。

6.It turn out that the logical nature of the controversy between is in-consistence in induction and deduction.认为消解悖论解决论争的唯一途径,是建立归纳和演绎的一致性。

7.According to this deduction, how can you say that a man of supreme benevolence has no fipal piety in his heart?依照这样的推论,你怎么可以说有至高无上仁的人,心里没有孝顺这样的成分呢?。

8.Gravitational-wave is one of the important deduction of the general relativity. Gravitational-wave has never been observed directly.引力波是广义相对论的重要推论之一,迄今为止尚未被直接探测到。

9.The deduction shall be made only from the cost of the new material or parts when finished and ready to be installed in the ship.扣减应只从新材料或新部件制成并准备安装到船上时的价值扣减。

10.Worthlessness of the asset, however, can entitle the company to a loss deduction even if the asset has not been completely abandoned.然而,资产使用性的丧失,可以让公司在没有完全废弃该资产的情况下确认减值损失。