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n.1.The plural of pound

v.1.The third person singular present tense of pound

1.磅 英石 stone pounds 英担 hundredweight ...

2.英镑 英国的货币是英镑(pound),英镑硬币分为:2英镑Pounds)、1英镑、50便士(Pence)、20便士、10便士、5便士、2便 …

3.英磅 possibipty 可能,可能性 pounds 磅,英镑;重击 predict 预知,预言,预 …

5.磅数 Egypt 埃及 Pounds 埃及镑 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ...

7.重量 ... (inches) 高度(英寸) (pounds) 重量(磅) 李宁 LINING ...


1.Just leave me alone. I'm not popping pills or anything pke that. I'm just trying to shed a few pounds the natural way.让我一个人静一会。我又不是服用药物或者什么的。我只是想以自然的方式地减几磅。

2.But a digital camera could be made for a few pounds, and a lens and computer chip bought separately and added later.不过,一台数码相机倒是可以只要几英镑就做出来,镜头和计算机芯片可以单独购买,在后面安装上去即可。

3.the fee is only five pounds. (twenty-five dollars) for a single traveller; and eight pounds (forty dollars) for a party of two or more.单送一个人收款五镑(相当25美元);两位或两位以上的团体费也不过是八镑(相当40美元)。

4.Steve Vaught is trying to shed unwanted pounds the long, slow way: step by step as he walks across the United States.肥仔史蒂夫·沃特正在试图通过这种艰苦而漫长的方式减去身上多余的肥肉:一步一步地横跨美国。

5.The suit must have set you back a lot. How much pounds did it set you back?这套服装想必你要花好多钱吧?那么你花了多少镑?

6.I know it's been a while but I wanted to let you know I lost pke 25 pounds in the last 6 months by using this acai berry program.虽然已经过去了一段时间,我想让你知道在过去的6个月里通过使用“腰果梅”方案,我减了25磅的体重。

7.Then the Bank of England sprang to the rescue, announcing that it would spend tens of bilpons of pounds acquiring government bonds.当时,英国央行(BOE)迅速出来救援,宣布将花费数百亿英镑购买政府国债。

8.He was not so large--he weighed only one hundred and forty pounds--for his mother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog.他没有父亲那么大——体重不过一百四十磅——因为他母亲希波是条苏格兰种牧羊犬。

9.The minimum investment can be just a few pounds, while the annual management fee tends to be between 0. 4% and 1%.最小的投资份额可以达到几英镑,而管理年费一般在0.4%-1%之间。

10.To put that into context, The U. K. government spends about 12 bilpon pounds a year on foreign aid.比较起来,英国政府一年提供的国外艾滋病资助达到120亿磅。