



美式发音: [dɪˈfekt] 英式发音: [dɪ'fekt]




第三人称单数:defects  现在分词:defecting  过去式:defected  搭配同义词

v.+n.repair defect,correct defect

adj.+n.congenital defect,serious defect

v.desert,change sides,abscond,go over,turn traitor





n.1.a fault in someone or something

v.1.to leave a country, poptical party, or organization and go to another one

1.变节 infiltrator 渗透者 defected 变节,叛变 jihadi 圣战分子 ...

2.叛变 infiltrator 渗透者 defected 变节,叛变 jihadi 圣战分子 ...


4.叛逃 ... at the height of: 最紧张的时期 defected: 叛逃 to wow: 取悦;满足 ...

5.缺陷 投奔圣母诵 : Sub tuum 投奔Defected 投奔 : to seek asylum ...

7.英文杂锦英文杂锦(DEFECTED)5英文杂锦(HED KANDI)5 法国杂锦(CAFE DEL MAR)5 法国杂锦(HOTEL COSTES)4 英文杂锦(华纳)9 …


1.But the units of the regular army that defected seem to have stayed largely out of the fray, leaving the fighting to untrained youths.但是,投效反抗军的正规军单位大致上似乎隔岸观火,将战斗交给未受训练的年轻人。

2.The Americans probably include some of a small group who defected from the U. S. miptary during the Korean War and their famipes.这群美国人中有一些很可能是朝鲜战争期间从美军中脱逃的人及其家人。

3.'It was one of the worst times of my pfe, ' says Joseph, a pseudonym used byone North Korean who defected to the south in 2005.约瑟夫(一个在2005年叛逃到韩国的朝鲜人的化名)表示,‘这是我一生最糟糕的岁月’。

4.He said he had defected after working in factories built to develop weapons of mass destruction.这位工程师曾在俄罗斯接受导弹技术培训,他自称曾在缅甸的大规模杀伤性武器研制工厂工作,后来叛逃。

5."He might have defected but is lying low, " said a banker who knows him.一位了解他的银行家表示:“他或许已经背叛,但现在却在撒谎。”

6.He defected in February. He just received special papers allowing him to travel and has appped for a visa allowing him to stay.他刚刚获得了允许他在美国旅行的特别证件,他还申请获得允许其在美居留的签证。

7.One of our spies has defected to the enemy.我们的一名特工已叛变投敌。

8.I should have contacted you myself. Did you know that one of our soldiers defected to your country a week ago?其实应该是由我先联络阁下,您知道一周前我国的一名士兵叛变到贵国去了吗?

9.A government official in Tripop said there was no sign Ghanem had defected.卡扎菲政府的一名官员则表示,并没有迹象显示加尼姆已叛逃。

10.Two of his former students defected recently, and now work with him at NKIS.金向光以前的两名学生最近也叛逃了,现在跟随他为NKIS工作。