


美式发音: 英式发音: [ðeə'fɔː]





1.因此 somersault( 翻筋斗)(得7 分) therefor因此)(得6 分) pfeguard( 救生员)(得…

2.为此 thereby 因此,由此 therefor 为此 therefore 因而,所以 ...

3.因之 ... uncalled-for 不必要的,多余的,无理的 therefor 为此, 因此, 因之 Gregor 格雷戈尔(人名) ...


1.He told me that she had been therefor a while and that she had a special disease, I asked if she would beworriedif he was a bit late.他跟我说她得了一种特殊的疾病,已经在那儿待了有一段时日了。我问他如果他迟一会儿过去她会不会担心。

2.Innovation is only possible to a certain level, since everything was already done. But therefor no less important to always give it a try.创新只是针对特定级别而可能存在的,因为所需的一些都已齐备,但也正是如此,新的尝试才显得尤为可贵。

3.A girl's sorrow is for her unadorable looking, therefor the moment of self-prasing is far from her.少女的伤感,缘于那并不美丽的容貌,因而安自欣赏的那一幕,离她很远很远。

4.Therefor I knew, beyond doubt or question, that the world was mistaken about this hero: he was a fool.因此我毫无疑问断定,世人看错了这位英雄:他是个大傻瓜。

5.As the GUI is common with the Alcatel SMC product, some parts are not used for VoIP apppcations and therefor not treated in this manual.因为图形用户界面在阿尔卡特的服务管理中心产品中是普遍的,某些不是用于VoIP软件的部分因而也在此手册中忽略。

6.The Ministry of Finance shall formulate the specific measures therefor together with the General Administration of Customs.具体办法由财政部会同海关总署制定。

7.To ask if you're okay, 'cause what you did in therefor your brother, that was. . .想问问你怎么样因为你所做的一切都是为了你弟弟那是很…

8.As the regulation on Industry Investment Fund is not officially promulgated, it is still unclear the threshold therefor.由于《产业基金管理办法》还未正式颁布,因此进入门槛仍然不明确。

9.If the accounting firm resigns, the Board of Directors shall explain the reason therefor at the next Shareholders' General Meeting.会计师事务所提出辞聘的,董事会应在下一次股东大会说明原因。

10.The invention relates to a device for measuring apparent viscosity of pquefied sand and a method therefor.本发明涉及一种液化砂土表观粘度测量装置和方法。