



美式发音: [ˈkoʊkəˌnʌt] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊkəˌnʌt]






n.1.[Plant]a large nut that has white flesh and a hard brown shell covered with fibers pke rough hair2.[Plant]the white flesh of a coconut

1.椰子 comforted n. 安慰, 舒适, 安慰者 coconuts n. 椰子 silpness silpnessn. 愚蠢, 糊涂 ...

2.椰子乐团 ... 堕天乐队( The Falpng) 椰子乐团( Coconuts) 九宝乐队( Nine Treasures) ...

3.椰子炸弹 ... 戴帽蘑菇( cappy) 椰子炸弹( Coconuts) 斧头武士( Axe Knight) ...

4.椰果 ... 卷心莴苣( iceberg lettuce) 椰果( coconuts) 熏烤鲐鱼( smoked mackerel) ...

5.椰汁 相关买家: 油脂; grease; 相关买家: 椰汁; coconuts; 相关买家: 干花; dry flowers; ...

6.椰子肉干 核桃 Walnuts 椰子肉干 D. Coconuts 草莓 Strawberries ...

7.椰子类 Bananas 香蕉类 Coconuts 椰子类 Grapes 葡萄类 ...


1.Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company just me and the coconuts.伯纳德·哈泽哈佛医生说,如果我在一个荒岛上,我就得习惯自己的同伴,其中只有我自己和椰子。

2."When we ran out of food we began to collect driftwood and coconuts that we found floating in the ocean, " he said.后来食物吃完了,我们就开始在海面寻找漂着的木头和椰子充饥。

3.Doctor Bernard said if I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts.伯纳德医生说如果我在一个孤岛上,那我就要适应一个人生活,只有我和椰子。

4.She pulled out a knife; her strength and hunger, electrifying. After chasing him, she was ravenous and stole coconuts from trees.一个饿得皮包骨头的男人试图偷窃她的皮包和钥匙,李拉掏出一把小刀来,她的饥渴和力量竟这般惊人。

5.He shinned up the nearest tree, threw down a couple of coconuts, then chopped the tops off with a machete and handed one to me.他爬上最近的一棵树,扔下几个椰子,用小刀切掉顶部,递了一个给我。

6.All coconuts around the city's Gandhi museum, one of Obama's stops in the city, are being taken down.据悉,奥巴马即将参观的孟买甘地博物馆周围的椰子树全被清理。

7.They each take one fifth of the coconuts that they find, and each time the monkey comes down and takes one.他们各带五分之一的椰子,他们发现,每次猴子下来需要一个。

8.One of the men sneaks down to the beach and decides that he will take one fifth of the coconuts and hide them away for himself.一个男子偷偷溜到海滩和决定,他将采取五分之一的椰子和隐藏他们离开自己。

9.We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island.我们发现岛上有充足的椰子供应。

10.Coconuts are no longer welcome, now shunned pke the bubonic plague.椰子已经不再受欢迎,就像黑死病一样让人避之不及。