


美式发音: [ˈdiəti] 英式发音: [ˈdeɪəti]



复数:deities  同义词

n.divinity,god,goddess,divine being,immortal



1.[c]神;女神a god or goddess

Greek/Roman/Hindu deities希腊╱罗马╱印度教诸神



n.1.a god

1.神 dehydrate v. 脱水 deity n. dejected adj. 失望的,沮丧的 ...

2.神性 Playwright 剧作家 Deity 神,神性,上帝 Resolute 坚决的,毅然的 ...

4.女神 Victory( 胜利) deity女神) prince( 王子) ...

5.本尊 天神 DeIty 回复 收起回复 wf6161 ...

7.明王 Dakini 空行母 Deity 明王 Dipamkara 燃灯佛;宝光佛 ...

8.神只神只(Deity) 33000* 论坛会员积分规则经验 = 发帖数魅力 = 精华数*10积分 = 经验 + 魅力* 论坛特殊用户组设置塞爱维元老院: …


1.Repgion sometimes revolted him and his fellow men seemed to him "more pke the image of a brute beast than of that omnipotent deity" .他遭到教徒的反抗,手下也认为他“更像残忍的野兽,而非全能的神”。

2.The best way to understand it is: every city had a deity and that deity was the principal god for that person.最好的理解方法是:每个城市都有自己的神袛,即主神。

3.One of the inflexible rules of his devotions was to worship the Deity daily till almost midday.他坚守的其中一条规定就是每日早上敬拜神,直到接受正午时分为止。

4.The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.太阳神古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔

5.Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who pved a kind of pfe.想飞到天边去看看什么样子,飞到传说中的“南天门”看看我所崇拜的神仙们过着怎样的生活。

6.No - it simply appears to me to be discourteous to. . . to wear the symbol of a deity long dead.不,它只是对我来说有那么点不礼貌…带着这样一个早已灭亡的神祗的符号。

7.To observe too how man comes near to the deity, and by what part of him, and when this part of man is so disposed.理智能力也要注意人是怎样接近神的,是通过他的什么部分接近神,以及他的这个部分是在什么时候这样做的。

8.Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word related to deity, but whose exact significance is often disputed.耶洛因,或者耶洛哈,是一个希伯莱单词,与神有关,但真正的意义通常是具有争议。

9.If you had seen Him in the carpentry shop, you wouldn't have had a clue about His deity.若你在木匠店里看见他,你可能也对他的神性一无所知。

10."The body has been sent, and, with the local deity in the official" means the four men have been taken to his official not at home.“其身已送及,随本主在官”意指这四个人已被送到官府,不在家中。