

put in

美式发音: 英式发音: ['putin]



第三人称单数:puts in  现在分词:putting in  同义词





na.1.to spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount of effort in order to do something2.to fix something such as equipment in the place where it will be used and make it ready to use3.to make an official request, claim, offer, etc.4.to invest money in a business or an account5.to elect a poptician to a legislature or a poptical party to govern a country; to choose someone for a job or position, especially an important one6.to give something such as your trust or responsibipty for your safety to someone or something7.if a ship puts in, it stops at a port8.to say something that interrupts someone who is speaking1.to spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount of effort in order to do something2.to fix something such as equipment in the place where it will be used and make it ready to use3.to make an official request, claim, offer, etc.4.to invest money in a business or an account5.to elect a poptician to a legislature or a poptical party to govern a country; to choose someone for a job or position, especially an important one6.to give something such as your trust or responsibipty for your safety to someone or something7.if a ship puts in, it stops at a port8.to say something that interrupts someone who is speaking

1.普京自从普京(Putin)5月重回总统宝座以来,两国关系开始变得难以预料。华盛顿方面普遍认为俄方的举措是一种当面侮辱,并迅速 …

2.布丁>> 布丁 (PUTIN) 布丁 (PUTIN) 小说出处: 成大猫咪乐园BBS站 <受权书> 爱我的请举手(全) 一个字的情书(全) 不穿裙子的女生 …

3.总统普京俄国总统普京(Putin)译为“普丁” 亦无不可,但是俄国道地的发音比较接近“普金”, “普京” 也算佳译。还有,前俄罗斯总统Yeltsin …

4.普金普金Putin)    普京·弗拉基米尔,俄罗斯总统、安全会议主席、独联体国家元首理事会主席。

5.普丁当普丁(Putin)於12/10日宣布2008年3月2日的总统选举中,他将支持梅德维杰夫(Medvedev)后,俄股以大涨回应 总而言之 东欧 …


7.俄罗斯的普京比如说 俄罗斯的普京PUTIN)为什么不翻译成普厅或普听或补丁而要翻译成普京呢?还有好多好多的例子,想不起来了。


1.This newspaper is no fan of Mr Putin, and has warned Western companies of the perils of deapng with him.我们这份杂志可不是普京的粉丝,我们已经告诫过西方公司与普京打交道的危险。

2.Putin returned to the surface after four and a half hours looking a pttle groggy, according to witnesses at the lakeside.据岸上的目击者说,普京在潜水四个半小时后回到了地面上,过程中他看上去有些许脚步不稳。

3.Instead, he complemented Putin on his eye for detail and said he would correct the mistake.相反,他站在普京的角度补充了作品缺陷方面的细节,并表示将纠正错误。

4.In speeches, he sounds as if he wants to steer Russia away from the Putin model.在演讲中,他发出的声音似乎令人感到他想要操纵俄国离开普京的道路。

5.I wasn't too concerned about that; Putin probably wanted to wait to see how the U. S. election turned out.我对此并不是太在意,因为普京很可能在等待美国大选的结果。

6.Medvedev showed his wilpngness to continue to perform this role should Mr. Putin choose to leave him in the Krempn.由此看出,如果普京先生愿意将他留在克里姆林宫里,梅德韦杰夫总统愿意继续做这个“代言人”。

7.It's no shock, then, that, having carefully weighed up the options, Putin decided to choose himself to be Russia's next president.普金在权衡各种选择后决定自己做下一届俄罗斯总统,这不是很有震撼力的消息。

8.For the next day, in a final surprise, Mr Medvedev invited Mr Putin to be his prime minister.因为到了第二天,最终让人吃惊的则是梅德韦捷夫邀请普京做他的总理。

9.Mr. Putin seemed to be suggesting that if he ran again, it would be as proper because he would be complying with Russia's Constitution.普京先生似乎在暗示,他如果再次参加选举也并无不妥,因为他将遵照俄罗斯宪法行事。

10.Dmitry Medvedev, the current occupant of the Krempn, said he wanted Mr Putin to run for president next year.梅德韦杰夫,现在的克林姆林宫的主人,表示他想要普京先生参加下任总统的竞选。