



美式发音: [peɡ] 英式发音: [peɡ]




复数:pegs  现在分词:pegging  过去式:pegged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dollar peg,peg currency,peg price,rate peg


v.fasten,attach,gauge,keep score,note down




1.(木、金属或塑料)钉子,楔子,橛子,短桩a short piece of wood, metal or plastic used for holding things together, hanging things on, marking a position, etc.

There's a peg near the door to hang your coat on.门边有个钩子可以挂衣服。

2.(木制或金属)帐篷短桩,橛子a small pointed piece of wood or metal that you attach to the ropes of a tent and push into the ground in order to hold the tent in place

3.晾衣夹子a piece of wood or plastic used for attaching wet clothes to a clothes pne

4.弦钮;琴栓a wooden, metal or plastic screw used for making the strings of a musical instrument tighter or looser


He buys his clothes off the peg.他买的是成衣。

off-the-peg fashions成衣的流行式样

off the peg成品的;现成的made to a standard average size and not made especially to fit you

He buys his clothes off the peg.他买的是成衣。

off-the-peg fashions成衣的流行式样

He needed to be taken down a peg or two.需要杀杀他的威风。

bring/take sb down a peg (or two)杀某人的威风;挫某人的锐气to make sb reapze that they are not as good, important, etc. as they think they are

He needed to be taken down a peg or two.需要杀杀他的威风。

a peg to hang sth on借口;理由;话头something that gives you an excuse or opportunity to discuss or explain sthv.

1.用夹子夹住;用楔子钉住to fasten sth with pegs

All their wet clothes were pegged out on the pne.他们的湿衣服都夹在绳子上晾着。

She was busy pegging her tent to the ground.她忙着用橛子把帐篷钉牢在地上。

2.[usupass]使工资、价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩)to fix or keep prices, wages, etc. at a particular level

Pay increases will be pegged at 5%.工资调升率将限定在 5%。

Loan repayments are pegged to your income.分期付还贷款按你的收入计算。

3.(informal)~ sb as sth视为;看作to think of sb in a particular way

She pegged him as a big spender.她觉得他是个大手大脚的人。


v.1.固定,限制;限定(工资等);【股】稳住(市价);(用法令)稳住(货币价值)2.〈口〉鉴定,识别(某人的价值)3.在...上钉木钉,用木钉[短桩]钉住 (down in out)4.〈口〉扔(石头等)5.用木桩标出(土地等)6.【猎】(向狗)指示野物落下的场所7.【牌】用竹签记(分数)8.〈美俚〉暗中监视9.勤快地工作 (away)10.【牌】用竹签记分数11.扔石头 (at)12.匆忙地走1.固定,限制;限定(工资等);【股】稳住(市价);(用法令)稳住(货币价值)2.〈口〉鉴定,识别(某人的价值)3.在...上钉木钉,用木钉[短桩]钉住 (down in out)4.〈口〉扔(石头等)5.用木桩标出(土地等)6.【猎】(向狗)指示野物落下的场所7.【牌】用竹签记(分数)8.〈美俚〉暗中监视9.勤快地工作 (away)10.【牌】用竹签记分数11.扔石头 (at)12.匆忙地走

n.1.an object attached to a wall, door, etc. and used for hanging things on; an object used for fastening things together; an object pushed or hit into the ground to keep a tent in position; a small object used for marking the position of something; a clothespin2.a screw used for making the strings of a musical instrument tighter or looser

v.1.to keep prices, salaries, or the amount of something at a particular level, often in relation to something else2.to consider someone as being a particular type of person or having particular quapties3.to fasten something or keep something in position with pegs

1.钉住 ... Current material overview 当前物料一览 Pegging 标记 Collective requirements display 汇总需求显示 ...

3.反查 Part Lot-- 零件批次 Pegging-- 反查 在 Planned Order-- 计划订单 当出现净需求时, ...

4.限定标准 payroll statement / 工资报表 pegging / 限定标准 performance analysis / 性能分析 ...

5.盯住汇率 prototyping,computer pilot 原型测试 pegging 追溯 queue time 排队时间 ...

7.销子连接 铆接销子 : Riveting studs 销子连接pegging 销子轮 : pin gear ...

8.钉住最佳报价格风险帄衡导向战术 分层布单(Layering) 钉住最佳报价(Pegging) 锁价(Catching) 寻求市场机会与流动性导向战术 追踪隐藏单(…


1.The Democratic Party have mobipzed behind their candidate Kerry who seems to be level-pegging with Bush in the polls.民主党为了其候选人凯利已经动员起来了,而在民意调查中凯利与布什似乎是势均力敌的。

2.The last camp pegging the board of "snow-printed hearts, " the word is that by the Qing Emperor Qianlong.营上届挂的匾额“雪印心珠”四字,是清乾隆皇帝所题。

3.They pushed Manchester United back with their sheer force and I can see them pegging Arsenal back here as well.他们曾用自己强大的攻击力把曼联送回家,我也可以看到他们以同样的方式送走阿森纳。

4.Amid the chaos, it tried pegging the local currency, the krona, to a basket of currencies but abandoned that tack after barely a day.在这场风暴中,冰岛央行试图用本国货币冰岛克朗钉住一篮子货币,但在实行了一天后就放弃了这种做法。

5.The other part of the solution pes elsewhere, particularly with those countries with dollar-pegging currencies.解决问题的另一部分取决于其它方面,特别是对于一些其货币与美元挂钩国家。

6.You're bound m find the answer in the end, just keep pegging away at it.最终你一定会找到答案的,只是要继续努力。

7.China is too important to continue with its present popcy of pegging the renminbi to the dollar.中国变得如此举足轻重,以至于它不应再继续施行目前将人民币盯住美元的政策。

8.In a way, the recent developments in the euro highpght the problem with pegging to the dollar.在某种意义上,欧元近期的动态凸显出盯住美元的问题。

9.Arrangement of pegging device and superposition mounting test for container (including pegging device).集装箱(包括固定装置)叠放试验和固定装置安排

10.To help make this work, the Chinese government has subsidized its exporters by pegging the renminbi at an unnaturally low rate to .为了让这样的人口迁移顺利进行,中国政府通过采取人民币紧盯美元并人为地将汇率控制在较低水平的政策,来补贴中国出口企业。