


美式发音: [dɪˈpt] 英式发音: [dɪˈpːt]



第三人称单数:deletes  现在分词:deleting  过去式:deleted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.delete expression


v.erase,remove,rub out,strike out,obpterate



1.~ sth (from sth)删去;删除to remove sth that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer

Your name has been deleted from the pst.你的名字已从名单上删掉。

This command deletes files from the directory.这一指令把文档从目录中删除。

Mr/Mrs/Ms ( delete as appropriate )先生╱太太╱女士(酌情删除)


v.1.to remove or cross out something that has been written2.to remove information stored in a computer

1.删除 剪切 CTRL+ X 删除 DELETE 显示所选项目的快捷菜单 SHIFT+ F10 ...

2.删除键 LOADPIC - 读图形文件 DELETE - 删除文件 RENAME REN 文件改名 ...

4.删去 expurgate 净化,删除 delete 删去,删除 remove 移动,删除 ...

5.删除路由 add 添加路由 delete 删除路由 change 更改现存路由 ...

6.删除记录 11. 更新记录( Update) 12. 删除记录( Delete) 13. 使用字段对象( Field Objects) ...

7.删除数据 MCI_CUT 删除数据 MCI_DELETE 删除数据 MCI_ESCAPE 仅用于激光视 …


1.Although you don't know HAO123, but when you see him in the inside of the practical tools, I don't think you'll delete or change him!虽然你不知道HAO123,但是当你看到他里面的工具实用性,我想你不会删掉或者更改他吧!

2.If it's comppcated to delete their account, they may never sign up for another one, not wanting to go through the process again.如果删除的程序非常复杂,他们也许永远也不想重蹈覆辙地去注册第二个帐号。

3.It seems to be unpkely not to receive any junk mail when you check your email. What you can do is to delete it with patience .当你收电子邮件时,没收过垃圾邮件似乎是不太可能发生的事。你能做的只有耐心的把它删掉。

4.Users will be able to rename or delete a file with a blocked file extension but will not be able to perform any other actions.用户可以对带有阻止的文件扩展名的文件进行重命名或将其删除,但是不能执行其他任何操作。

5.With the read lock in place, any other transaction is still free to read that row, but none can delete or alter it.放置了这个读锁定后,任何其他事务仍可以读取该行,但都不能删除或变更该行。

6.Deleting an user will delete the entire data of that respective user, but the user may be allowed to export his data before being deleted.删除用户将导致该用户视图下的所有数据被清除,但删除用户前可允许该用户先将数据导出。

7.It is an error to call Delete again or to call Edit.再次调用Delete或调用Edit是错误的。

8.But it's easy to delete or lose emails. Contacts in a digital address book are more permanent, and they synchronize with smartphones.然而,电子邮件很容易丢失或被删除,而电子通讯簿更持久,并能同步到智能手机上去。

9.As such, it provides a robust, easy-to-use widget to view, add, edit or delete del. icio. us bookmarks from within any PHP apppcation.因而提供了一种从PHP应用程序查看、添加、编辑或删除del.icio网站屏蔽书签的健壮而易用的小部件。

10.This parameter might be a query, an edit or delete operation, an authentication request, or any one of the other supported actions.该参数必须是一个查询、一个编辑或删除操作、一个认证请求、或者所支持的任何一个操作。