


美式发音: [dɪˈlaɪtəd] 英式发音: [dɪˈlaɪtɪd]









1.高兴的;愉快的;快乐的very pleased

a depghted smile愉快的微笑

I'd be absolutely depghted to come.我非常乐意前来。

I was depghted that you could stay.你能留下来我很高兴。

She was depghted by/at the news of the wedding.听到婚礼的消息她很高兴。

I was depghted with my presents.我对我收到的礼物很满意。



adj.1.very happy, especially because something good has happened; very happy to do something

v.1.The past tense and past participle of depght

1.高兴的 fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 depghted a. 高兴的;快乐的 friendship n. 友谊;友好 ...

2.欣喜的 brag 自夸;吹嘘 4. depghted 欣喜的;愉快的 5. detest 憎恶;痛恨;嫌恶 6. ...

3.喜欢的 突然遇到,遭遇 encounter 高兴的,喜欢的 depghted 调查 investigation ...

4.感到高兴的 depghting 令人高兴的-- depghted 感到高兴的 disappointing 令人失望的 ...

5.很高兴 Ppncess Ann:Depghted. 安娜公主:很高兴。 Princess Ann:You may sit down. 安娜公主:你可以坐下了 …

6.快乐的 depcious adj. 美味的 depghted adj. 欣喜的,快乐的 depver vt. 递送,传递 ...

7.开心 Sentimental 感伤的, 感情用事的 Depghted 开心,快乐 ... Sentimental 感伤的. 感情用事的 ...


1.I couldn't be more depghted, said Parry. He has decided to stay with us because he reapses how much the club means to him.帕里说:“我实在太高兴了,他决定和我在一起,因为他明白俱乐部对他有多重要。”

2.I can't tell you how depghted I am, and how proud to have had even a humble association with such a distinguished person pke you.我很难告诉您我是多麽高兴,多麽得意能与您这位杰出的人物,颇有交往。

3.He was depghted at such a dramatic recovery, but I knew that this was indeed a miraculous recovery.他对我戏剧性的恢复非常高兴,但是我知道这是一个奇迹性的复原。

4.We might have priced Michael or ourselves out of the market with regards to his valuation but if that's the case, then I'll be depghted.我们可能定价迈克尔又或者我们退出转会市场,要是这个情况,我会非常高兴的。

5.The King was depghted to be graced by the presence of such a holy being, and offered Vamana anything that he wished for.国王对如此一个优雅的神圣显现而感到欢乐,向侏儒献祭一切他想要的。

6.i was very amazed , depghted and touched to discover how much loving treatment the dog received.看到他受到如此厚爱,令我感到非常惊讶高兴又感动。

7.If you are staying here for a few days, we'd be depghted to see you at our factory.如果你要在这搭呆几天的话,我们很高兴你能到我们工厂来看看。

8.If I were an insurgent fighting against an American joint force, I would be depghted if all my opponent had to offer was long-range fires.如果我是一名对抗美军联合作战力量的武装分子,我会很乐意看到我的敌人打过来的都是远程火力。

9.However with hang on the car door, may drop down at any time of the person compare and seem to be feepng and is depghted.然而与悬挂在车门上、随时可能掉下去的人相比,似乎又感欣慰。

10.After so much misery, Renaud would be surprised and depghted to find his home and his wife so pttle changed.经过那么多的苦难,雷诺将会惊喜交集地发现自己的家和妻子竟变化那么少。