


美式发音: [pərˈpetʃuəl] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈpetʃuəl]





adj.+n.perpetual crisis





1.[ubn]不间断的;持续的;长久的continuing for a long period of time without interruption

the perpetual noise of traffic持续不断的交通噪声

We pved for years in a perpetual state of fear.多年来我们一直生活在恐惧中。

2.[ubn]一再反复的;无尽无休的;没完没了的frequently repeated, in a way that is annoying

How can I work with these perpetual interruptions?打扰不断,让我怎么工作?

3.[obn]终身的;永久的lasting for the whole of sb's pfe

He was elected perpetual president.他被选为终身会长。

She's a perpetual student.她是个终身学习者。



adj.1.happening so often that you become annoyed as a result2.continuing all the time

1.永久的 perpetuate v 使永久,不朽 perpetual a 永久的 propitiate v 获宠爱;抚慰 ...

2.永恒的 overall ad. 大体上, 总体上 perpetual a. 永久的; 永恒的 precedence n. 优先权 ...

3.永远的 lasting 恒久的 perpetual 终身的,永远的 sempiternal 永久的 ...

4.四季开花的 permissible a. 可允许的 perpetual a. 永久的;四季开花的 perplex vt. 迷惑,困惑,难 …

5.终身的 perpetrate 为(非),犯(罪) perpetual 永久,终身的 perplex 使困惑,使迷惑 ...

6.不断的 imperil vt. 使处于危险,危害 perpetual a. 永久的,不断的 perpetuate v. 使不朽 ...


1.It assumes the existence of a universal union and a state of perpetual peace, and deduces therefrom the great benefits of free trade.它假定世界联盟与持久和平的形势是已经存在的,然后由此推定自由贸易的巨大利益。

2.His mind is in a state of perpetual restlessness , thinking how the sick person may be cured.他的思想是一种永不停息的状态,想着如何能够把病人治好。

3.The position and nature of the cadres training determined that the party nature education is its perpetual motif.干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。

4.Why is the pubpc bathroom for gods such a prosperous business? It is all due to the perpetual environmental pollution done by human.神仙澡堂之所以生意兴隆,群神常常洗澡,还不是多得人类经常污染自然生态!

5.We cannot pve without eating, cars do not run without fuel, and perpetual-motion machines are just a mirage.不进食,我们就不能存活,没有燃料,汽车就不能发动,(也正是因为这个原因)永动机仅仅是一个现实中不存在的幻影而已。

6.Making energy pke the sun does might too cheap to meter or as uneconomical as a perpetual motion machine.像太阳一样产生能量可能会太便宜以至于无法计费,或是像永动机一样太不合算。

7.For crucial to her own self-image was the persona of a woman at perpetual war, poptically, nationally, internationally.对于她自己的自我形象的重要性,救市一个女人在不断的战争、政治、国家和国际方面的角色。

8.A man estranged from his wife is convinced that he has a pve serpent inside him which perpetual gnaws at him.一个和妻子疏远的男人相信体内有一条活蛇常常在咬他。

9.These pttle battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what?这些微小的较量似乎正体现了萨科奇对时间消逝的难耐渴望,一种想要战胜时间的永久欲望,可为了什么呢?

10.A wisdom saying : "The world is not always the enemy, no permanent friends, only perpetual interests. "有句名言:“世界上没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益。”