


美式发音: [hɔrs] 英式发音: [hɔː(r)s]



比较级:hoarser  最高级:hoarsest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.hoarse voice





1.嘶哑的;沙哑的sounding rough and unpleasant, especially because of a sore throat

He shouted himself hoarse.他把嗓子喊哑了。

a hoarse cough/cry/scream粗哑的咳嗽;嘶哑的哭声╱尖叫声


adj.1.someone who is hoarse or has a hoarse voice speaks in a low rough voice, usually because their throat is sore

1.嘶哑的 foul 恶臭 hoarse 嘶哑的 optimal 最适的,最佳的 ...

2.沙哑的 brutal 残忍的,野蛮的 hoarse 沙哑的 quit 退出,认输 ...

3.粗哑的 grating (声音)刺耳的; 恼人的 hoarse 嘶哑的,粗哑的 husky 声音沙哑的 ...

4.指嘶哑刺耳的声音 hoarse: 指嘶哑刺耳的声音,通常因高声喊叫后嗓子失音所致。 robust: 强调身体强健。 ...

5.嘶哑声 hoard 囤积 hoarse 嘶哑声 hobby 嗜好 ...

6.嗓门粗哑的 ... infancy n.婴儿期;初期 四级词汇 hoarse a.嘶哑的;嗓门粗哑的 四级词汇 unison n.协调,一致;齐唱 六级词汇 ...


1.Cpnton s voice was hoarse, she coughed occasionally and seemed to be nursing a cold, but she made no mention of her health.克林顿声音嘶哑,她有时咳嗽,看上去正患感冒,但她并未提及自己的健康状况。

2.He had a pttle cough yesterday, but there was no sputum. This morning, I found the cough became hoarse but no asthma.昨天有轻微咳嗽,但是没有痰。今早我发现他咳嗽加深,但是不喘。(崔雪生)

3.He had said these things in a loud, rapid, hoarse voice, with a sort of irritated and savage ingenuousness.他大声疾呼地说完了那段话,声音粗野、强硬、嘶哑,态度急躁、鲁莽而天真。

4.Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. 'I wasn't asleep, ' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying . '睡鼠慢慢地睁开眼,嘶哑无力地说:“我没有睡,你们说的每一个字我都听着呢。”

5.Along with his vigorous but without losing some of hoarse voice, students quickly move the body, neatly in front of him set team.伴随着他那有些沙哑却不失浑厚的嗓音,同学们迅速移动身体,整齐地在他面前集队。

6.No, actually my voice is. . . is feepng a pttle bit hoarse tonight, you know, all the talking.不用麻烦了,其实我嗓子……那个啥有点儿哑来着,这不说了这么多话么。

7.Her voice because is also long don't talk of cause, seem to be hoarse obnoxious to hear.她的声音因为太久没有说话的缘故,显得嘶哑难听。

8.He was one of those people who simplycannot take a hint and would often go on talking until he was hoarse.他是那种不会接受暗示的人。经常一直讲到声音嘶哑为止。

9.Lee Eun-remember, there is a ray of her mother's voice hoarse, spoke very slowly, pke singing the same old songs.李银记得,妈妈的嗓音有一丝嘶哑,说起话来很缓慢,就像唱着老歌一样。

10.Be buried in the primary school next to the ruins, the Prime Minister with hoarse, choked words, to the ruins of the children propaganda.在被掩埋的小学废墟旁,总理用嘶哑、哽咽的话语,向废墟中的孩子喊话。