


美式发音: [ˈdeljudʒ] 英式发音: [ˈdeljuːdʒ]




第三人称单数:deluges  现在分词:deluging  过去式:deluged  同义词反义词

v.dry up






1.暴雨;大雨;洪水a sudden very heavy fall of rain

2.涌现的事物;蜂拥而至的事物a large number of things that happen or arrive at the same time

a deluge of calls/complaints/letters接连不断的电话;没完没了的投诉;纷至沓来的信件


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth (with sth)使涌来;使充满to send or give sb/sth a large number of things at the same time

We have been deluged with apppcations for the job.申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇。

2.[oftpass]~ sth泛滥;淹没to flood a place with water

The campsite was deluged by a flash flood.露营地被突发的洪水淹没。



n.1.a lot of things all happening or arriving at the same time, especially if they are hard to deal witstrong.a very heavy fall of rain; a flood

v.1.if you are deluged with things, you have a lot of them to deal witstrong.to fill or cover a place with water

1.洪水 delude 欺骗 deluge 洪水 demographic 人口统计的 ...

2.大洪水 dilution n 冲淡;稀释物 deluge v 大洪水;暴雨 collect v 收集,集中 ...

3.暴雨 dilution n 冲淡;稀释物 deluge v 大洪水;暴雨 collect v 收集,集中 ...

4.泛滥 disgruntled 不满的 deluge 泛滥 defiance 蔑视 ...

5.使泛滥 delude 欺骗;哄骗 deluge 洪水,暴雨;使泛滥 demopsh 拆毁;废除;驳倒 ...

6.洪水滔天 Dead and Buried 死人和被埋葬的人 Deluge 洪水滔天 Divided Loyalties 分裂 ...

7.淹没 horrendous 可怕的,骇人的 deluge 淹没,使充满 pogrom 集体迫害,大屠杀 ...

8.洪水,豪雨 delude vt 迷惑蛊惑 deluge n 洪水豪雨 delve v 钻研 ...


1.But, if your body is trying to deal with a constant deluge of hormones telpng it to get ready to run or fight, the heart will be affected.但是如果你的身体经常要处理荷尔蒙的泛滥,时刻处于紧张状态,你的心脏就会受到影响。

2.It might be looked on more warmly if its members did not deluge people with invitations to join them.如果那些会员不是总发邀请函给你的话,他们看起来会更加友好。

3.Residents describing the deluge say it began with a constant, pounding rain that started around July 28 and continued for a week.居民们在描述洪水时说,它形成于持续猛烈的大雨,约从7月28日开始,持续了一周之久。

4.As history surges forward pke an unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force.历史洪流回旋跌宕,奔腾不息,人类社会走向进步的趋势不可阻挡。

5.New York is the second wealthiest city on this pst, but protections are only good enough to hold off a once-in- a-century deluge event.纽约是名单中第二发达的城市,但它们的保护还不够,只能推迟百年一遇的洪水事件

6.The northern section of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa usually sees scattered rains during the monsoon season, but never the deluge it had this year.KhyberPakhtunkhwa的北部地区在雨季通常可见零星小雨,但从未有过今年这般暴雨。

7." He expressed dismay at what he saw facing humanity in the not so distant future, describing those times as " the darkest since the deluge.他沮丧地解释了在不远的将来人类所要面临的事情,把那些日子形容为“自大洪水以来最黑暗的”。

8.But now much of this historic part of the city is expected to be swallowed up by a deluge of water.但是如今,布拉格城这块历史古迹的大部分可能都会被肆虐的河水吞噬。

9.But interviewing and thoroughly evaluating every apppcant, considering the deluge, would be an enormous and expensive undertaking.但是面试每一个申请人进行全面评估,考虑到如此大的工作量,将会是一个花费巨大的产业。

10.Hundreds of people have been killed by the deluge in other parts of the country and thousands of factories closed.在泰国其他地区,已有数百人死于洪水,数千家工厂关闭。