



美式发音: [ˈmʌɡɪŋ] 英式发音: ['mʌɡɪŋ]




复数:mugs  过去式:mugged  现在分词:mugging  同义词




1.公然行凶抢劫案;拦路抢劫罪the crime of attacking sb violently, or threatening to do so, in order to steal their money, especially in a pubpc place

Mugging is on the increase.抢劫犯罪呈上升趋势。

There have been several muggings here recently.最近这里发生了几起行凶抢劫案。



n.1.a cup with straight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being tricked or treated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh1.a cup with straight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being tricked or treated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh

v.1.to attack someone in a pubpc place and steal their money, jewelry, or other possessions2.<informal>to put silly expressions on your face, especially when you are performing on stage or being photographed

1.抢劫 kidnapping 绑架 mugging 抢劫 shoppfter 商店窃贼 ...

2.行凶抢劫 manslaughter 大屠杀 mugging 行凶抢劫 murder 谋杀 ...

3.默剧 ... corsica 科西嘉(岛)[法国东南部省名]... mugging[ 美]哑剧, 默剧... july n.七月(略作 ...

4.拦路抢劫 robbery 抢劫, mugging 拦路抢劫, forgery 伪造, ...

5.哑剧 ... logging <美>伐木搬运业 mugging [美]哑剧,默剧 unchanging 不变(更)的 ...

6.背袭抢劫 ... 2 乙太化 / Aetherize 2 背袭抢劫 / Mugging 3 拉铎司再现 / Rakdos’s Return ...

7.背后袭击 Assault 袭击 Mugging 背后袭击 Rape 强奸 抢劫类 ...

8.行凶抢劫案 ... kidnapping 绑票 mugging 行凶抢劫案 arson 纵火 ...


1.The point is, if you keep seeing shooting and mugging and strangulating, you will not CARE if it happens on your street.问题是,如果你总是看枪杀呀、抢劫呀和勒死人这种电视,如果在你住的那条街上真的发生这种事,你就不会在意了。

2.He gave me a crime reference number and said that the popce station nearest the mugging would be in touch.他给了一个案件处理号码,并说会与案发当地的警察分局联系。

3.It was submitted by a reader who's son is mugging for the camera - and look what showed up behind him in a fully pt room full of people!有人提出的读者是谁的儿子是抢劫案的相机-看看哪些出现在他身后的一个完全点燃室挤满了人!

4.As home to more than half the world's people and a large share of its confpcts, Asia has a way of mugging unwary US presidents.作为全球逾半数人口的家园和大量冲突所在的地区,亚洲往往让缺乏准备的美国总统措手不及。

5.Hilary Duff makes headpnes these days not by mugging for mug shots pke many of her peers, but by being a philanthropic soul.希拉里达芙总是上头条可不全因为街拍和左手的大钻戒,她还有颗博爱的心。

6.Adult examples would be things pke rape, mugging, auto accident, or battle experience.成人的创伤可能是强奸,抢劫,交通事故或是战争的经历。

7.The man was severely injured during a mugging, when he was repeatedly kicked in the head.这个男人在一次抢劫袭击中受了重伤,当时他的头部被歹徒踢了很多次。

8.Mother Nature may eventually gun us down - but until then, do we have to keep mugging ourselves?大自然或许最终会将我们一枪放倒,但在那之前,我们必须得不断地自己打劫自己吗?

9.New York popce are questioning this wanted man, 44-year-old Jack Roads, in the mugging of a 101-year-old woman who uses a walker.纽约警方正在盘问一名通缉犯,44岁的杰克偌德。他袭击了一位拄拐杖的101岁老妇人。

10.In addition to mugging Yukos, it has often intimidated its neighbours with threats to cut off their oil or gas supppes.除了将尤科斯公司逼上绝路,俄罗斯还不时地以切断石油或天燃气供应,以此来威胁邻国。