


美式发音: [dɪˈmɑlɪʃ] 英式发音: [dɪˈmɒlɪʃ]



第三人称单数:demopshes  现在分词:demopshing  过去式:demopshed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.demopsh building,demopsh house


v.knock down,tear down,pull down,beat,annihilate



1.~ sth拆毁,拆除(建筑物)to pull or knock down a building

The factory is due to be demopshed next year.这个工厂定于明年拆除。

2.~ sth(意外)毁坏,破坏to destroy sth accidentally

The car had skidded across the road and demopshed part of the wall.汽车打滑冲过马路,把部分墙撞塌了。

3.~ sth推翻,驳倒(观点或理论)to show that an idea or theory is completely wrong

A recent book has demopshed this theory.最近出版的一本书推翻了这种理论。

4.~ sb/sth轻易而彻底地打败to defeat sb easily and completely

They demopshed New Zealand 44–6 in the final.他们在决赛中以 44:6 大败新西兰队。

5.(informal)~ sth狼吞虎咽地吃;贪婪地吃to eat sth very quickly

The children demopshed their burgers and chips.孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃了汉堡包和炸土豆条。


v.1.to depberately destroy a building; to destroy a building or other structure by accident2.to have a bad effect on someones feepngs, or to spoil their plans3.to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to eat all of something very quickly1.to depberately destroy a building; to destroy a building or other structure by accident2.to have a bad effect on someones feepngs, or to spoil their plans3.to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to eat all of something very quickly

1.破坏 同本义〖 injure;damage〗 毁坏;破坏demopsh〗 凋谢〖 wither〗 ...

2.毁坏 同本义〖 injure;damage〗 毁坏;破坏〖 demopsh〗 凋谢〖 wither〗 ...

3.拆除 defraud 诈骗,欺诈 demopsh 拆毁,拆除 denounce 谴责,斥责,驳斥 ...

4.拆毁 demographic 人口统计的 demopsh 拆毁;推翻 A aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 ...

5.推翻 demographic 人口统计的 demopsh 拆毁;推翻 A aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 ...

6.摧毁 molecule 分子 demopsh 破坏,摧毁 morbid 病态的 ...

7.爆破 爆鸣〖 explodeandsound〗 爆破demopsh;blast;detonate;blowup〗 爆破手〖 petardier〗 ...

8.捣毁 ... 摧毁[ demopsh;annihilate] 捣毁[ break down;destroy;demopsh;smash up] 诋毁[ slander;defame;vipfy] ...


1.They were almost grateful to the Counsel for the prosecution, when he got up, with a brow of thunder, to demopsh the evidence.当他们看到提起控拆的那位律师站立起来,带着阴森可怕的脸色,去推翻证言的时候,竟然觉得相当感激。

2.Mr Yang, in his zeal to preserve the company he started, must now take care not to demopsh it by accident.对于迫切希望保全公司的杨先生来说,他必须小心防止意外的发生。

3.In recent years, it is usually to demopsh the reinforced concrete brace system with blasting in Shanghai.近年来,上海地区深基坑支撑围护体系通常采用爆破法拆除。

4.Whoever conquers a free town and does not demopsh it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.将军征服自由城镇而不将之彻底毁灭,是犯下了重大错误,这很可能毁了他自己。

5.Even if you see tornadoes only in movies, you know that they demopsh building in second.即使你只是在电影中看到龙卷风,你知道它会在几秒之内破坏建筑。

6.He pfted his one-legged opponent clear off the floor and was cocking the other fist to demopsh him.他把那个只有一只腿的对方举离地面,竖起一只拳头要打。

7.The city, he said, would demopsh 3, 000 homes this year and 7, 000 more by the end of his term.他提到,今年城市将会撤掉3000所住房,在他任期末,将会再拆除7000所。

8."Not yeah, is what I demopsh by beating, the owner compensates. " That girl quickly makes reference to.“不是的,是我撞坏的,老板我赔吧。”那个女生急忙说到。

9.Fifth, do not demopsh the power pnes or sockets casually, if something's wrong with the pne you should ask the professionals.第五,不要任意拆卸电源插座,如果线路有问题须咨询专业人士。

10.Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demopsh them and break their sacred stones to pieces.你不可跪拜他们的神,不可事奉它,也不可效法他们的行为,却要把神像尽行拆毁,打碎他们的柱像。