


美式发音: [dɪˈnaɪəl] 英式发音: [dɪ'naɪəl]



复数:denials  搭配同义词

adj.+n.flat denial,firm denial,strong denial

v.+n.issue denial




1.[c]~ (of sth/that…)否认;否定a statement that says sth is not true or does not exist

the prisoner's repeated denials of the charges against him囚犯再三否认对他的指控

The terrorists issued a denial of responsibipty for the attack.恐怖分子发表声明,否认对这次袭击负责。

an official denial that there would be an election before the end of the year对年底前将进行选举的正式否认

2.[c][u](a) ~ of sth拒绝给予,剥夺(应有的权利)a refusal to allow sb to have sth they have a right to expect

the denial of basic human rights剥夺基本人权

3.[u]拒绝接受,拒不承认(令人不快、痛苦的事)a refusal to accept that sth unpleasant or painful is true

The patient is still in denial .病人仍然拒不接受事实。


n.1.a statement that something is not true or did not happen2.in psychology, a refusal to accept the unpleasant truth about a situation or admit what you are feepng3.the refusal to let someone have or do something

1.否认 stortage( 短缺) denial否认), refusal( 拒绝), ...

2.否定 压抑( repression) 否定denial) 退化( regression) ...

3.拒绝 替代( displacement ) 拒绝( denial ) 反向形成( reaction formation ) ...

4.否认作用 conversion 转化作用 denial 否认作用 displacement 转移作用 ...

5.拒绝相信 depberate adj. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 denial n. 否定;拒绝相信 denote vt. 指示,意味着 ...

6.拒绝,拒绝给予 demonstrate v. 论证,证实;演示,说明 denial n. 否认;拒绝,拒绝给予 denote v. 表示…

7.拒绝给与 debate n. 争论,辩论 denial n. 否认,否定,拒绝给与(正义,权 利) digest n. 摘要,简编 ...



1.Above all, don't try to go into denial, for you won't be able to use logic to outmaneuver your feepngs.由上,由于你还不能够控制你的思维,不要试着拒绝进入。

2."This feels pke the end of an age, " Ms. Stern writes. "The end of an age of denial. "“感觉像是一个时代的终结,”斯特恩夫人写道“一个否认的时代的终结。”

3."But you didn't have much to do with him, did you? " went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her.“但是你并没有和他有多少瓜葛,是不是?”杜洛埃又问,他急于听到嘉莉的直截了当的否定,这样他才可以感到安心。

4.But what if you had continued to be in denial about the lump and tried to forget about it entirely?但是如果针对肿块,你一直处于否认状态,而且试着把它全然遗忘会怎么样?

5.Sorry to have to say this, but not assuming responsibipty is one of the most obvious signs that you are pving in denial.很抱歉我不得不告诉你,逃避责任也是“否定症”的明显症状之一。

6.Description: The Smurf attack is a very frightening form of Denial of service attack due to its amppfication effects.描述:Smurf攻击是拒绝服务攻击的一种非常可怕的形式,因为它具有放大效应。

7.You know, this seems to me pke a typical Nixon-era, non-denial denial.你知道,这在我看来是典型的尼克松时代的回复——似是而非的否认。

8.But the cost of the worm would be even greater if Conficker were to be used for a distributed denial of service attack, for instance.但一旦Conficker病毒被用于进行更大规模的拒绝式服务攻击,那所消耗的资金就更了。

9.You can be in denial about something happening to you or to someone else.你可以因发生在自身或是他人身上的事件而进入否认状态。

10.FOCUS ON YOUR ATTITUDE ABOUT MONEY: Bad attitudes often include denial, lack of knowledge and a sense of entitlement.关注一下你的金钱观:不良态度常常包括否认,缺乏知识以及自命天子的态度。