


美式发音: [ˈmælˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈmælweə(r)]





1.恶意软件(指电脑病毒等)software such as a virus on a computer or computer network that the user does not know about or want

n.1.software such as a virus that is designed to damage or destroy information on a computer

1.恶意软件 恢复 …

2.恶意软体 道意 bodhicitta 恶意程式码 malware 恶意程式码扫描器 malware scanner ...

8.恶意编码程式有486 宗,已超过去年全年的468 宗,而全 球恶意编码程式malware)的累计数字亦较 年初上升一倍。


1.It found quite a few of the inactive malware installers on the system and said it quarantined them.它在系统中发现了一些未激活的恶意软件安装包并表示已经将它们隔离。

2.Depending upon the speed of your anti-virus and anti-malware scanners, you might be able to schedule them on the same day or night.根据你的反病毒和反恶意程序扫描的速度,你也许可以把它们安排在同一天或同一晚上。

3.The transferred information is exclusively used for a closer malware analysis and for improving the rules set.发送潜在危险的文件是为了用以更进一步的分析或完善我们的规则库。

4.Fortunately most of these programs did not spread widely - the majority of such malware died when disks were reformatted or upgraded.幸运的是,这些软件大多没有广泛传播-这些恶意软件时,大多数死亡的磁盘格式化或升级。

5.The term computer virus is often used interchangeably with malware, though the two don't actually have the same meaning.‘计算机病毒’这一术语通常与‘恶意软件’替换使用,尽管这两个词含义并不真正相同。

6.He said the new malware, dubbed Duqu, was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system.他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。

7.It's easy to hide the source of a cyber attack by sending the malware on circuitous routes through computers and servers in third countries.通过第三国计算机与服务器间的迂回路径来发送恶意软件,很容易便能隐藏网络攻击源。

8.He said he checked out the PDF file of the report and it does not contain viruses or other malware.他还提到,他已经扫描过该报告的PDF文件,里面并没有病毒或其他恶意软件。

9.The malware makers may always need a bit of social engineering to get their software on people's phones.要想把他们的恶意软件放进人们的手机里的话,这些制作者就要使上一些社会工程学的手段了。

10.Adding that: "It would be interesting to see whether this approach to categorising malware could [work] without giving false positives. "他紧接着说,“看到用这种方法对恶意软件进行准确无误的分类将是一件有趣的事情。”