


美式发音: [rɪˈfjuz(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪˈfjuːz(ə)l]



复数:refusals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.flat refusal,blank refusal

v.+n.refusal accept,refusal issue


n.negative response,snub,denial,rejection,negation


refusal显示所有例句n.— see alsofirst refusal

1.拒绝;回绝an act of saying or showing that you will not do, give or accept sth

the refusal of a request/an invitation/an offer拒绝请求╱邀请╱建议

a blunt/flat/curt refusal率直的╱断然的╱粗率的拒绝

His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying.他拒绝商量这件事,令人很恼火。


n.1.the act of refusing to do something; the act of refusing to accept something that someone offers you; the act of refusing to let someone have or do something

1.拒绝 温柔可爱( Affect) 拒绝Refusal) 寻觅( Seek) ...

2.回绝 refugee n. 难民;流亡者 refusal n. 拒绝,回绝 refute v. 反驳,驳斥 ...

3.谢绝 refugee 难民,避难者 refusal 拒绝,谢绝 refute 驳斥 ...

4.优先取舍权 confront vt. 使面临, 对抗 refusal n. 拒绝, 推却, 优先取舍权, 优先取舍的机会 behavior n. 举止, 行为 ...

5.拒答 refugee 难民,避难者 124 refusal 拒绝,谢绝 126 refuse 拒绝,谢绝 n.废料,垃圾 127 ...

7.拒魔守护 Reciprocal Gyre 反噬漩涡 Refusal 拒魔护卫 Superior Resistance 卓越抗力 ...


1.About a quarter of the children in her study who showed school refusal behavior had anxiety problems.她研究的儿童中,有四分之一的拒学症发生和焦虑问题有关。

2.But his continued refusal to say when he will quit has led to speculation that he might call a snap election on the nuclear issue.但是由于他始终不同意立即退位,让人们猜测他可能借此次核危机而提前召开大选。

3.The group's refusal to participate in the dotcom boom, which at the time made it appear something of a dinosaur, turned out to be a boon.在网络热潮期间,该公司拒绝参与,在当时曾显得落伍。但事实证明,这种做法成就了该公司的福气。

4.His refusal to go quietly since the army ousted him in 2006 has helped to push Thailand to the brink.自从军方在2006年赶他下台而将泰国推向动乱边缘后,他在国外一直不肯善罢罢休。

5.The surprise of your refusal, Fanny, seems to have been unbounded.你的拒绝,范妮,似乎使她们感到万分惊奇。

6.French Foreign Ministry said the regretful situation had resulted from Iraqi leader's refusal for cooperation with the U.N法国外交部说,由于伊拉克的领袖拒绝和联合国合作,结果造成这个令人痛惜的下场。

7."Refusal did not cause a sense of accomppshment of pfe" - a direct impact on the profession to meet the satisfaction of our pves.“拒绝没有成就感的生活”,直接影响职业满足满意我们的生活。

8.at least there was no slammed door , no blank refusal.至少没有把门关死,没有断然拒绝。

9.In his veritable passion of refusal he had given himself to the flames as a lover to bed.他真正的激情在于拒绝,满怀这样的激情,他投身入火,正如一个情人扑向爱床。

10.The Leases are not subject to any options or rights of preemption or first refusal in favour of any third parties.租契并不受制于以任何第三方为受惠人的任何选择权或优先购买权利或优先权。