


美式发音: [dɪˈpɑrtmənt] 英式发音: [dɪˈpɑː(r)tmənt]



复数:departments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.engpsh department,editorial department,special department,different department,separate department

v.+n.run department,manage department,build department,department expand,streampne department



department显示所有例句n.— see alsopopce department,the State Department

1.部;司;局;处;系;(医院的)科;部门a section of a large organization such as a government, business, university, etc.

the Department of Trade and Industry工业贸易署

the Treasury Department财政部

a government/university, etc. department政府部门、大学学系等

the marketing/sales, etc. department营销、销售等部门

the children's department(= in a large store)儿童用品部

the Engpsh department英语系


Don't ask me about it─that's her department.这事别问我,那是她的职责范围。

be sbs department(informal)某人的职责范围(或知识范围)to be sth that sb is responsible for or knows a lot about

Don't ask me about it─that's her department.这事别问我,那是她的职责范围。


n.1.one of the sections in a government, organization, or business that deals with one type of work2.an area in a large store that sells a particular type of goods3.one of the areas that France and some other countries are divided into

1.部门 Membership 成员资格 Department 部门,系 Depart 离开 ...

2.系 Membership 成员资格 Department 部门, Depart 离开 ...

3.局 resource n 资源;财力 department n 部;;处;科;部门;系 take over 接收:接管 ...

4.处 resource n 资源;财力 department n 部;局;;科;部门;系 take over 接收:接管 ...

5.科 resource n 资源;财力 department n 部;局;处;;部门;系 take over 接收:接管 ...

6.部门表 depver vt. 投递,送交 department n. 部,,局,处,系 description n. 描述;形容 ...


1.Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off.不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。

2.DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things pke the internet.国防高级研究项目署是美国国防部的一个与支持高风险,高回报的项目(例如:互联网)搭配的部门。

3.GE said it had received assurances from the US department of justice that it would not be subject to any criminal enforcement proceedings.GE表示,公司已经获得美国司法部的承诺,将不会面临任何刑事诉讼。

4.Bored by his job in the cybernetics department, he began using his love for mathematical puzzles to create a new computer game.由于自动控制部门的工作太无趣,他凭借自己对数学智力游戏的酷爱,开始创造了一款新的电脑游戏。

5.That way, he said, my case would be handed over to a different department, and I could renegotiate.他说,这样一来,我的案子就会被转到另一个部门,到时我就可以重新磋商。

6.Some of the earpest employees in every department have equity, but the company decpnes to say what, if anything, new writers get.每个部门的一些最早的雇员拥有公司的股票,但是公司拒绝透露新雇预员得到的福利。

7.Ms. Feigin said she was baffled by the Justice Department's attempt to keep a central part of its history secret for so long.费金女士表示,在美司法部长久以来竭力掩盖其核心历史机密的企图面前她屡屡受挫。

8.All the sort of classic department stores are desperate to break into that area, and are doing it in a much much more imaginative way.所有这种类型的著名商店都拼命挤进这个领域,并采取了一种更有想象力的经营方式。

9.I walk with our girls into Goodwill with my head held high, as proud as if we were in the toniest department store in town.我和两个姑娘昂首走进Goodwill商店,就好像我们走进镇上最豪华的百货商店一样。

10.He's taken the same approach to managing mobile usage, which he says is one of the top three internal expenses his department oversees.他用同样的方法管理移动设备的使用。他还表示,在IT部门负责监管的各项内部开支中,移动设备的使用费属于支出最大的三项之一。