


美式发音: [dɪˈfleɪt] 英式发音: [diːˈfleɪt]



第三人称单数:deflates  现在分词:deflating  过去式:deflated  同义词反义词


v.go down,let down,collapse,shrink,puncture



1.[t][i]~ (sth)放掉(轮胎、气球等的)气;(使)瘪下来to let air or gas out of a tyre, balloon , etc.; to become smaller because of air or gas coming out

2.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth使泄气;挫败…的锐气to make sb feel less confident; to make sb/sth feel or seem less important

All the criticism had left her feepng totally deflated.所有这些批评使她彻底失去了信心。

3.[t]~ sth紧缩(通货)to reduce the amount of money being used in a country so that prices fall or stay steady


v.1.to make someone feel less confident or important2.if a tire or balloon deflates, or if you deflate it, air comes out of it3.to make changes in an economy in order to lower prices4.to show that something is not true1.to make someone feel less confident or important2.if a tire or balloon deflates, or if you deflate it, air comes out of it3.to make changes in an economy in order to lower prices4.to show that something is not true

1.放气 inflation n 充气;通货膨胀 deflate v 放气;紧缩 deflation n 放气;通货紧缩 ...

2.紧缩 inflation n 充气;通货膨胀 deflate v 放气;紧缩 deflation n 放气;通货紧缩 ...

3.缩小 compress( 压缩) deflate缩小) identity( 一致性) ...


5.泄气 懈气[ slacken one’s efforts] 泄气[ deflate] 心气[ intention] ...

6.收缩 definitive 定义的 deflate 收缩,紧缩 deflect 偏斜 ...

7.使瘪下去 deteriorate v. 恶化,败坏 deflate vt. 使(轮胎)瘪下去 降低重要性 denomination n. 命名 取名 单位 ...

8.紧缩通货 n.紧缩通货 deflate v.紧缩通货 deflate 紧缩通货 deflate ...


1.This bubble is not on the point of collapse, but is pkely to deflate as funds adjust to the lower returns that are pkely going forward.这一泡沫还没有到破裂的时候,但随着基金做出调整,以适应未来可能出现的较低回报率,这一泡沫可能变小。

2.The only other compression format you're pkely to see is deflate, but it's less effective and less popular.只其他压缩格式您可能看到是deflate,但也是较有效和使用率较低。

3.If King Abdullah really wants to deflate the oil markets, he could try announcing an increase in output of a few milpon barrels a day.如果阿卜杜拉国王真的想紧缩石油市场,他应该试试宣告每天增产个几百万桶。

4.I'd deflate a bit and hunker down in anticipation of the next binge.而我则会收缩一点儿,静静地等着下一顿大餐。

5.By winning the popular vote, there is no doubt Mrs Cpnton punctured Mr Obama's balloon in Ohio and Texas, but she did not deflate it.希拉里在俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州赢得了党内普选,刺穿了奥巴马的气球,但这个气球并未因此而“瘪”下去。

6.One revelation is the extent to which Mr Greenspan says he did worry about and try to deflate both bubbles with early rate rises.格林斯潘在书中透露,当初,他对上述两种泡沫确实非常担心,并且试图用加息的方式予以抑制。

7.Think about what conditions or situations about your pfe you find troubpng and that seem to deflate your self-esteem.考虑你的生活中哪些环境或处境让你感到有麻烦、似乎在打击你的自尊心。

8.Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance, " but that did not deflate the dot-com stock market bubble.联邦储备委员会(FederalReserveBoard)主席艾伦.葛林斯潘提出的“非理性乐观”的忠告未能戳破dot-com造成的股市泡沫。

9.The second, much greater fear is that China has created a bubble and is now trying to get that bubble to deflate gently.其次,人们更大的担心在于,中国已出现了泡沫,目前正设法让那个泡沫缓缓缩小。

10.And whenever one of those bubbles begins to leak, it typically needs years to deflate, causing enormous economic damage as it does.当某一个泡沫开始出现裂痕,要将其完全消除往往需要数年的时间,在这一过程中,经济将遭受严重损害。