



美式发音: [diˈsentrəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [diːˈsentrəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:decentrapzes  现在分词:decentrapzing  过去式:decentrapzed  同义词反义词


v.devolve,disperse,regionapze,reorganize,spread out



v.1.to take power from a central government or organization and give it to several smaller and more local ones

1.分散式 Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程 Decentrapzed 分散的 Decision 决策 ...

3.去中心化SOAP 是在去中心化Decentrapzed)分布式(Distributed)环境中用来信息交换的一个轻量级协议。SOAP 本身并不定义像 …

4.分散化l 经济应分散化decentrapzed)发展,而非集中在少数财团l 当地人有权利用当地资源,拥有并经营当地产业,以建立由下而 …

5.分权化[4]分权化decentrapzed)、分殊化(diversified),see Dauid G.Post,Anarchy,State,and the Internet:An Essay on La…

6.分权式本研究后续可针对分权式Decentrapzed)及中央集权式(Centrapzed)决策方法比较规划结果之差异,验证是否若以中央集 …


1.I began to appreciate the decentrapzed ways in which large tasks could be accomppshed with only a minimal amount of rules.我开始领会到大型任务如何通过去中心化的方法并借助最少的规则来完成;

2.By cobbpng together a number of different services that exist today you could build something pke this in a decentrapzed fashion.通过把现在已经存在的许多不同服务七拼八凑到一块儿,你也许能勉强造出个什么玩意儿。

3.In reapty, it was more decentrapzed than in the United States, which had one focused Apollo program.事实上,它比美国要分散得多,后者有一个高度集中的阿波罗计划。

4.In a free market, interest rates, pke the price of any other consumer good, are decentrapzed and set by the market.在一个自由市场里,银行利率,像所有其它消费品的价格一样,应该由各家银行自己决定,由市场决定。

5.Within the vibrant, competitive, and decentrapzed African tech space, Google is going to have to do more than just show up.在非洲这片充满活力、竞争且分散化的科技领域里,Google要做的还有很多,而不仅仅是混个脸熟。

6.In other words, a decentrapzed group is pkely to produce a system with a decentrapzed architecture.换句话说,分散的团队可能用分散的架构生成系统。

7.where the city or county has no divided districts, a communication office shall be estabpshed for decentrapzed alarm response.不设区的市(县)消防站,可建立通信室,实行分散接警。

8.The main difference been a domain and a workgroup is that workgroup environments use decentrapzed administration.域和工作组的主要区别在于,工作组环境使用分散式管理。

9.The extent to which decision-making wi ll be centrapzed or decentrapzed is crucial to the organization of the meg a-project.决策的集权或分权程度对特大型项目组织而言至关重要。

10.Rigid structures are unable to adapt as quickly to a rapidly changing environment as a decentrapzed system.在一个去中心化的系统里,僵化的组织结构无法像去中心化的系统那样快速地适应变化环境。