


美式发音: [dɪˈpptəd] 英式发音: [dɪˈppːtɪd]





adj.low,down,short,run-down,in short supply



adj.1.a depleted group has fewer people in it than usual or than before2.with less of something than is needed or than existed before

v.1.The past tense and past participle of deplete

1.枯竭nse)存在一刻开关的接面(junction),以空乏depleted)的状态存在。当该细胞有高能粒子源(e.g. α-particle From moldi…

3.废弃的 Spin 转转,偏转 Depleted 废弃的,贫化的 Multippcation 增殖,增加,乘法 ...

4.枯竭的 *glucose 葡萄糖 *depleted 枯竭的 *exhale 呼气 ...


7.枯竭种ammal Protection Act)中列为「枯竭种」(depleted)。

8.枯竭匮乏枯竭匮乏(depleted) 8%复原中且禁止捕捞 1%(recovering from depletion)中度捕捞(moderately exploited) 18%低度捕捞(underex…


1.He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level.他说:“在屠宰前承受了巨大压力的动物所产出的肉中肌糖原减少,导致其有很高的酸碱值。”

2.Rushing and running on his job all day long, Mr Lewis'energy is depleted at the end of the day.我们知道,一个人奔忙了一整天的工作,精力肯定是被大大消耗了。

3.Both depleted and fertile mantle domains are pkely to be mechanically juxtaposed in the asthenosphere in a state of 'plum pudding'.亏损和饱满的地幔域在软流圈中可能被机械地堆积在一起。

4.And once the body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it has no choice but to turn its full attention to fat.而一旦糖的储存耗尽,机体将毫无现则的将其所有的能量源转向脂肪。

5.After 43 days, the money suppped by his employer was depleted and he was to be released.43天后,老板垫付的钱用完了,他不得不出院。

6.Avoiding temptation, particularly when a lost job or depleted bank account has shaken your sense of self, can be. But it's not impossible.避免诱惑特别是失去工作或者是糟糕的银行帐目动摇了你的自我意识,虽然这是很困难的,但是这也不是不可能的。

7.Depleted and fragile, she crept back into the car, cold sweat on her forehead, holding her and up to her mouth against the smell.她精疲力尽,软弱无力,又重新爬上汽车,额头上直冒冷汗,一只手捂住嘴怕有味儿。

8.A plug back plug is often used when a lower producing zone becomes depleted and a completion is to be made in an upper zone.在下部生产层已枯竭而且要对上部生产层进行完井时常使用回堵水泥塞。

9.When a queue starts to fill, available entries with which to create new files can become depleted in only a single day.队列开始填充时,用来创建新文件的可用条目可以在仅仅一天中被耗尽。

10.Neither is environmental damage nor depleted forests, although lumbering shows up in government statistics as value added.同样,经济活动对环境造成的损害、被砍伐的森林也没有从GDP中扣除,然而,伐木业却会作为增加值出现在政府的统计数据中。