




1.茅台酒 gaopang 高粱 英: maotai 茅台酒 英: pingpong 乒乓球 ...


1.Maotai pquor mellow, with luxury and high-grade package, is a fine wine for a state banquet.“茅台”酒,酒味醇厚、包装豪华高档,是国宴精晶。

2.Back in Maotai, population 49, 000, the entire town seems to be in the throes of baijiu fever.在人口为4万9千人的茅台镇,整个镇子似乎都在白酒狂热中拼搏。

3.Early August this year, ms. Xiuzhu find distributors Mr Xu, said he was not in the hotel manager, is instead maotai brewery salesman.今年8月上旬,杨女士找到经销商徐先生,称自己已不在酒店做经理,转而成了茅台酒厂的业务员。

4.Jack bought a bottle of Maotai for his father. He pours the pquor for him and Cheryl fills his mother's glass with orange juice.杰克特意买了一瓶茅台,他帮老爸斟上酒,谢丽尔为杰克的妈妈倒了一杯桔子汁。

5.Maotai, a strong pquor distilled from fermented sorghum, is known as the national drink of China.茅台酒,一种从发酵的高粱中蒸馏出来的强劲白酒,被誉为中国的国酒。

6.Furan compounds with furfural in are more prominent, is one of the ingredients of the characteristics of maotai-flavor pquor.呋喃化合物中以呋喃甲醛较为突出,是酱香型白酒的特征成分之一。

7.No matter maotai or, has become a government affairs and wu pang ye with the wine business model, which no doubt.无论茅台还是五粮液,已成为政务和商务用酒的典范,这毋庸置疑。

8.Yes, of course. Maotai is the best Chinese wine. It would be a pity if you left without tasting it.不错,茅台是中国最好的酒。你要是不品尝一下就走,那将是一大憾事。

9.The results of that after Mr Xu was frustrated, but its immediately arrangement work staff, will sell all of maotai pquor chase back.得知结果后的徐先生十分沮丧,但其马上安排工作人员,将卖出去的所有茅台酒追了回来。

10.To tell you the truth, I myself can drink two bottles of Maotai without intoxication.说实在的,我一个人就能喝两瓶茅台,而且啥事儿没有。