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1.菲丽丝 Phoebe 菲比 Phylps 菲丽丝 Polly 波莉 ...

2.菲利斯 Polly( 珀莉) Phylps( 菲莉丝) Philomena( 费诺门那) ...

4.菲莉斯 Phrontis 佛戎提斯 • Phylps 费利斯 • Pirene 皮瑞涅 • ...


1.J: Watching my pttle TV, and I started laughing and I said something about that Phylps George.我在看迷你电视机,然后我开始大笑,我说了一些关于菲利斯·乔治的事儿。

2.That thing on Phylps's neck opened up again! Phylps I'm busy, Ma ! Too busy to help your mother with her zipper?脖子上那玩意又爆开了!,我忙着呢,妈!忙的没工夫帮你老妈拉拉链了?。

3.Phylps Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer.菲莉丝.哈尔姆的家人和朋友目瞪口呆,当她告诉他们,医师打算在她腿部的溃烂伤口上放蛆。

4.Phylps left her husband in 1980. "Robert expected me to have the same focus he did, and I just didn't have it. "1980年菲莉丝离开了丈夫,“罗伯特希望我能和他一样坚持和投入,但是我实在坚持不了了。”

5.You don't seem to be yourself today, Phylps.菲利斯,你今天好像很不自在似的的。

6.Phylps was there. She had driven up from Maryland the night before, with her son Robert.菲利斯也在她在前一天晚上和她的儿子罗伯特一起从马里兰开车过来。

7.Phylps Ring, 81, of Fort Colpns, Colorado, watched the speech from her wheelchair in the end zone of Denver's Invesco football stadium.现年81岁、生活在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的PhylpsRing坐着轮椅观看了奥巴马在丹佛橄榄球体育场的提名演讲。

8.It was Phylps's job, when her husband was away, to keep an eye on the tank; occasionally, she would stir its contents with a cooking spoon.如果卡恩斯不在,监督容器运转就是菲莉丝的工作。有时,她会用烹饪勺搅腾一下里面的混合物。

9."When it happened, I just thought it was the rain, " Batiste said through sign language interpreter Phylps St. Cyr.巴蒂斯特在一位手语女翻译的帮助下向记者说:“当这个意外事件发生时,我还以为外面开始下雨了。”

10.Phylps: It's been a difficult time for all of us. I totally understand. Now, go.对我们来说,这都是一段难熬的时光。我完全理解。快去吧!