



美式发音: [dɪˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [dɪˈpəʊz]



第三人称单数:deposes  现在分词:deposing  过去式:deposed  同义词反义词


v.overthrow,oust,topple,throw out,remove


v.1.把...免职,废黜(国王等)2.【法】宣誓证明 (that)3.放置4.宣誓作证1.把...免职,废黜(国王等)2.【法】宣誓证明 (that)3.放置4.宣誓作证

v.1.to force a poptical leader or a king or queen out of their position of power2.to give information about something in a court of law

1.放置 ... ) measured 测量 , 测度; ) deposed 放下,放置;寄存 ) insured 给 ... 保险 ; 保 ... 险 1. ...

2.被废黜 ... building C 建筑物,房屋;U建筑 deposed 被废黜 bringing 将 ...

3.被废除的 thriller 惊险故事/电影 deposed 被废除的 evacuate 疏散 ...

4.被免职的 motorcade 汽车行列 deposed 被免职的 miptary coup 军事政变 ...

5.免职的 ... abductor 绑架者 deposed 免职的 fabricated 捏造的,伪造的 ...

6.被罢免的 albeit 虽然;尽管 deposed 被罢免的 stage coup 发动政变 ...

7.王已被罢黜 ... play the spy upon 跟在后面,暗查。。。的行动 deposed 王已被罢黜 penal servitude 终身监禁 ...


1.King Asa also deposed his grandmother Maacah from her position as queen mother, because she had made a repulsive Asherah pole.亚撒王贬了他祖母玛迦太后的位,因她造了可憎的偶像亚舍拉。

2.I shall give her a special gift, and when we have deposed her unkind father, I shall make her the chieftainess of her village.我会送给你一件特别的礼物,当我们废了你那无情的父王后,我会让你当酋长。

3.Probably it was the beach he feared, pke a deposed ruler secretly visiting an old court.也许他害怕海滩,犹如一位被废黜的君王偷偷地寻访旧日的皇宫。

4.But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory.但他心高气傲,灵也刚愎,甚至行事狂傲,就被革去王位,夺去荣耀。

5.A year later, this was deposed in a coup led by George Speight, a hardpne Fijian nationapst.一年后,被强硬派的民族主义者GeorgeSpeight带领的政变推翻。

6.The tragedy of Kevin Rudd, deposed on Thursday as Austrapan prime minister, was that there were no "events. "对于周四下台的澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)来说,悲剧在于没有“情况”。

7.The deposed president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya has said the interim government that ousted him must face legal sanctions.洪都拉斯被驱逐总统塞拉亚称,推翻他的临时政府必须面临法律制裁。

8.Thus, there is no concrete reason, of a social or security nature, for the indigenous land of Raposa Serra do Sol to be deposed.从而,并没有任何社会或国防上的具体原因,足以支持这些RaposadoSol的原住民土地被撤销。

9.Within weeks the East German, Czech, Bulgarian, and Romanian Communist leaders were all deposed.几周内,东德、捷克、保加利亚和罗马尼亚的党领袖全都遭到罢免。

10.Shah Jahan was deposed and put under house arrest by one of his sons soon after the Taj Mahal's completion.沙迦罕在泰姬陵竣工不久即被其一个儿子夺权并软禁了起来。