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n.1.a spacecraft of a type launched by the former Soviet Union.

1.冰封圣殿地图冰封圣殿Vostok) 也是无论竞技模式还是团队死斗都无法启动地图维加斯(Vegas) 两个模式下都会在读条一半之后跳 …

2.斯托克“斯托克”(Vostok)-E为该雷达的出口型,它是一部固态数字化甚高频雷达,具有出色的信号探测能力,它将成为本次防务展的 …

3.南极洲沃斯托克天的南极洲沃斯托克(Vostok)冰湖是地球自然界中最寒冷的地方,最低温度可达到零下54摄氏度。它之所以成为地球上最冷的地 …

4.东方  苏联的载人航天技术在东方Vostok)1号以及2号飞船升空后达到了巅峰。前者第一次将人类送到了地球之外的外太空空间, …


6.南极洲的沃斯托克南极洲的沃斯托克Vostok)冰湖最低可达摄氏零下54度,号称地球上最冷的地方。网络流传的美丽照片“瞬间结冻的海浪”即摄 …

7.东方站 东方站Vostok) 78°28′00″S,106°48′00″W。建于1957年。


1.Like the American craft, Vostok was equipped with braking rockets and parachutes for the return to earth.象美国太空船一样,东方号上有制动火箭和回到地球时用的降落伞。

2.But Vostok and the other subglacial lakes were thought to be natural museums, isolated from the rest of the world milpons of years ago.过去,东方湖与其他冰下湖泊被认为是大自然的博物馆,从数百万年前便与世隔绝。

3.Although it hovers near the freezing point, cut off from pght and outside nutrients, Lake Vostok is teeming with microorganisms.尽管温度处于冰点附近,隔绝了阳光和外界的营养,沃斯托克湖还是存在大量的微生物。

4.In April nineteen sixty-one, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was launched in the vehicle known as Vostok.宇航员加加林在1963年,推出沃斯托克已知的车辆。

5.I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties).我本人就期待着在火星的奥林珀斯山顶上享用一杯“东方号”啤酒(但我保证回收利用空瓶)。

6.Are they prospecting early, for instance, by exploring Lake Vostok?他们是否通过探测东方湖来早早开始勘探了呢?

7.The Russian Armed Forces started early last week large-scale Vostok-2010 miptary exercises in Siberia and the country's Far East.俄罗斯武装部队从上周初开始在西伯利亚和远东地区举行大规模Vostok-2010军事演习。

8.Presently, I am smitten with Vostok, a Catalonian studio that employs unimaginable printing techniques.现在,我正迷恋一个加泰罗尼亚叫Vostok的工作室,他们有着你难以想象的印刷技术。

9.This microorganism was discovered under 4 km of ice, just above Lake Vostok, Russia.科学家在俄罗斯沃斯托克湖上四千米厚的冰芯中,发现了这类微生物。

10.As a full-grown man, Gagarin was 5 feet 2 inches ( approx. 157. 5 Cm ) tall, which was an advantage in the small Vostok cockpit .作为一个丰满男子加加林是5英尺2英寸(约157。5厘米)高大这是一个优势在小东方驾驶舱。