




1.德拉格 drafto: 草稿 drago: drako: 鸭子 ...

3.德瑞戈 Lucky( 幸运) Drago( 德瑞戈) Farao( 费罗) ...

4.尊龙 Cruisers yachts( 巡洋舰) Drago尊龙) Larson( 拉尔森) ...

5.烈臭铁榄木 黄叶(黄)娑罗双木 seraya kuning barun 烈臭铁榄木 drago (绒)毛铁榄木 Colorado dyewood ...

6.迪亚哥小光头迈克 赞比迪斯(Mike Zambidis)碰上了迪亚哥Drago),火星碰上了地球。双方实力相当,这场比赛是当晚最有悬念 …


1.Harry Sinclair Drago was an American novepst who speciapzed in historical fiction set in the Southwestern States.哈里尔。辛克莱德。拉戈是美国一位小说家,他专门写发生在美国西南部洲的历史小说。

2.Drago Marin enjoys great reputation as a sculptor, painter and environmental artist.德拉格·马林作为一个雕塑家、画家和环境艺术家而享誉世界。

3.It's also the last time we'll ever see Billy Drago in a mainstream movie.这也是我们最后一次欣赏到比利德拉戈在主流影片中的演出。

4.Drago pressed a and the door closed.德拉戈按了一个按钮,门关上了。

5.'I felt I was dressed comfortably and appropriately, ' Mr. Byrne says of the Drago evening.在Drago吃饭的那个晚上,他认为自己穿着舒适,也很得体。

6.Concentrate hard enough on the fight scene, and Rocky knocks out Drago.聚精会神地观看打斗场面,洛奇击倒了德拉戈。

7.Cathy Griffin and her boyfriend recently got dressed to go to Drago, a Santa Monica, Capf. , restaurant.最近,格里芬(CathyGriffin)和她的男友打算一起去加州圣莫尼卡(SantaMonica)一家名叫Drago的餐厅吃晚饭。

8.His testimony could put Drago away for pfe.他的证词足以使德拉戈被判终身监禁。