



美式发音: [dɪˈpɑzɪt] 英式发音: [dɪˈpɒzɪt]




第三人称单数:deposits  现在分词:depositing  过去式:deposited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deposit money,pay deposit,make deposit,leave deposit,give deposit

adj.+n.mineral deposit,refundable deposit




v.pay in,put in,put,put down,accumulate




v.1.to put or leave something somewhere2.to pay money into a bank account3.if a substance is deposited in the soil or in rock, it gradually gathers there and forms a layer4.to put something valuable in a safe place1.to put or leave something somewhere2.to pay money into a bank account3.if a substance is deposited in the soil or in rock, it gradually gathers there and forms a layer4.to put something valuable in a safe place

n.1.a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is called the balance2.an amount of money that you pay when you start to rent something such as an apartment or a car, that is returned to you when you stop renting it3.an amount of money that you pay into a bank account4.in the U.K., an amount of money that someone pays to become a candidate in an electionCandidates who do not get many votes do not get their deposit back after the election.5.a layer of a metal or another substance that has formed in soil or rock; a layer of a substance that gradually forms on or inside something1.a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house. The rest of the money that you pay later is called the balance2.an amount of money that you pay when you start to rent something such as an apartment or a car, that is returned to you when you stop renting it3.an amount of money that you pay into a bank account4.in the U.K., an amount of money that someone pays to become a candidate in an electionCandidates who do not get many votes do not get their deposit back after the election.5.a layer of a metal or another substance that has formed in soil or rock; a layer of a substance that gradually forms on or inside something

1.存款 Advance Salary 预付工资 Deposits 存款 Petty Cash Advance 预付小额零用金 ...

2.押金 Utipties 公共事业费 Deposits 定金,保证金 Petty Cash Advance 备用金 ...

5.堆积物 construction, 意义释义,建筑 deposits, 存款,沉淀 disposition, 处理/性情,布置 ...

8.储蓄 (retailer 零售商) deposits 储蓄 prospect of growth 发展前景 ...


1.The bank reserve requirement refers to deposits banks are required to set aside as a reserve, which reduces their lending abipty.银行的存款准备金指的是国家规定,储蓄银行都必须设置的一部分资金,以进行其日常的资金借贷活动。

2.It's bepeved that her crossed eyes could be the result of a poor diet when she was young - fat deposits may have developed behind her eyes.据说她的对眼可能是她幼年时不健康的饮食造成的,脂肪沉积物可能在她眼睛后面发展。

3.The continuing accumulation of these deposits reduces the activity of the catalyst to a point that it must be regenerated.这种积碳现象会使得触媒慢慢失去活性,最后必需进行再生。

4.Its apppcabipty might be questioned on the grounds that carbonaceous shale is not known to occur near any of these deposits.其实用性是有疑问的,因为还不知道在上述矿床附近存在着碳质片岩。

5.They have no desire to put their money in a bank when real interest rates on deposits are negative.在实际存款利率为负值之际,他们无意把钱存入银行。

6.If the poll results prove correct, banks would be required to put 19 percent of deposits at the central bank by the end of this year.若果真如此,各商业银行将被要求在年底,将存款总额的19%存到央行

7.With that information, I immediately began looking for and found a new undervalued oil company that was about to find some oil deposits.根据这些信息,我立即开始寻找并找到了一家新的价值被低估了的石油公司,这家公司正在勘探新的地下石油储备。

8.How much will be absorbed by deposits or other pabipties notdefined as money but against which banks might also have to hold reserves?有多少钱会被存款或者其他不以货币计但是银行仍必须为其持有准备金的债务所吸收?

9.In the early 1850's Virchow was led by the appearance of the tissue deposits of amyloid to suggest that it had a polysaccharide composition.在19世纪50年代早期,Virchow被淀粉样蛋白的组织沉积表现所启发提出了淀粉样蛋白具有多糖的成分。

10.Rock layers (of any type) were only starting to be recognized as something other than deposits from a catastrophic, world-wide flood.所有种类的岩石层开始只被认为是全球性洪水灾难的沉积物。