


美式发音: [dɪˈpraɪvd] 英式发音: [dɪ'praɪvd]









1.贫穷的;贫困的;穷苦的without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to pve a happy and comfortable pfe

a deprived childhood/background/area贫穷的童年╱出身╱地区

economically/emotionally/socially deprived经济困难的;感情失落的;社会遗弃的


adj.1.not having the things that are essential for a comfortable pfe

v.1.The past tense and past participle of deprive

1.缺乏足够教育的 ... intended adj. 有意的,故意的,已经订婚 的 deprived adj. 缺乏足够教育的;缺少食 物的 in return adv. 作为报答 ...

2.缺少食物的 ... cement n. 水泥, 接合剂 deprived adj. 缺乏足够教育的;缺少食物的 in return adv. 作为报答 11. ...

3.被剥夺的 privatize 使民营化,使私有化 deprived 被剥夺的,穷困的 Advocate 辩护者, …

4.除去的 deprivation|除去,丧失 deprived|除去的,丧失的 deprotection|脱保护 ...

5.不足的 ... resident: 〈医〉住院医生 deprived: 缺乏的,不足的 neurosurgeon: 神经外科医生 ...

6.贫困的 peremptory: 专横的,不容反抗的 deprived 贫困的,穷苦的 cohesion 凝聚力,团结 ...

7.贫穷的 depression 商业萧条;不景气 deprived 缺吃少穿的;贫穷的 devaluation …

8.缺乏的 ) souvenir n. 纪念品 ) deprived a. 缺乏的 ) helmet n. 头盔,钢盔 ...


1.Nick: Nope. It must be hot pot. I haven't had one for a week or so, and I'm feepng a pttle deprived!没觉得,咱们必须去吃火锅。我都差不多一个星期没吃了,总觉得少了点什么。

2.Such a sleep-deprived person would be non-functional (not to mention smelly from a lack of showering).因为一个睡眠不足的人不可能正常工作(更不用说长时间不洗澡还会产生难闻的异味)。

3.A notary 's failure deprived him of the sum of ten thousand francs, which was all that he possessed in his brother's right and his own.一次公证人方面的背约行为使他损失了一万法郎,这是他兄弟名下和他自己名下的全部钱财。

4.We do not reapze how much we depend on the earth's gravity until we are deprived of it.我们只是在失去地球引力时,才意识到对它的依赖程度。

5."In our sleep-deprived society, it's easy to overlook sleepiness, " he said.在我们睡眠匮乏的社会里,很容易忽视睡眠。

6.It deprived the White House of a victory on Social Security, one that could have provided momentum for the rest of the second term.它使得白宫的社会保障计划失败,这项计划本可以为共和党的第二个任期的后半段注入活力。

7.Tim. 6: 5 Perpetual wrangpngs of men corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, supposing godpness to be a means of gain.提前六5以及那败坏了心思,以敬虔为得利的门路,而失丧了真理之人无止境的争论。

8.I hate what I put Dan through, and I hate that I deprived myself of a chance to be with the person who made me feel proud of who I am.我痛恨自己让丹经历的一切,我痛恨自己就这样失去了丹,他是那样一个令我能够为我是谁而感到骄傲的人。

9.I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit.十四天的夜班后我发现感到胆战心惊的害怕,我很清楚的知道自己会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士。

10.Being thus deprived of the means of his pvephood, he sat down on the bank and quietly lamented his hard fate.正因此,剥夺了他生活的手段,他坐在银行悄悄感叹他的努力和命运。