


美式发音: 英式发音: [rɪ'lʌktəntp]




adv.+v.reluctantly accept





1.不情愿地 parcel n. 包裹 reluctantly ad. 不情愿地,勉强地 reluctant a. 不顾的,勉强的 ...

2.勉强地 parcel n. 包裹 reluctantly ad. 不情愿地,勉强地 reluctant a. 不顾的,勉强的 ...

3.不情愿的 wince 畏缩 reluctantly 不情愿的 tray 盘子, 托盘 ...

4.厌恶地 ... mosquito 蚊子 reluctantly 不情愿地;厌恶地 n. 与…握手,藏…于掌中 ...

5.勉强的 puff v 喘口气,喷出(烟雾),抽烟 n吸(烟) reluctantly 不情愿的,勉强的 ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的 ...

6.不心甘情愿 [unconvincing] 牵强,不令人信服 [reluctantly] 不心甘情愿 [barely enough] 将就或凑合 ...


1.Clearly the burro had no intention of moving, so I reluctantly turned and began to make my way back down the wash in defeat.明显地,驴群并不想移动,所以沮丧的我不情愿地转过头,开始沿着干涸的河床返回。

2.A week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true.为期一周的汽车发动机拆装实习结束了,回忆这段时光,竟真的是恋恋不舍。

3.Parslow assures her that he is only looking out for her best interests and Teri reluctantly agrees.帕司若要她放心,他只是为她的最佳利益着想,泰瑞不情愿地同意了。

4.I was not in the mood, but he was so sincere that I did not have the heart to turn him down. Reluctantly, I took a look at the essay.当时的心情委实不好,但见到他诚恳的样子,实在不忍心拒绝,心想,勉为其难给他看一下吧。

5.Our dog developed a brain tumour and went out of his mind, so reluctantly we had to have him put down.我们的那条狗生了个脑瘤发疯了,所以,我们不得不把它杀了。

6.Reluctantly, she let go of his arm. And as she turned to leave, she heard Karen scream from across the grotto.她不情愿地松开了他的手臂。当她转身要走时,她听到了凯伦从洞穴那头发出的尖叫。

7.Dawu never imagined such a thing would be, in every possible way to persuade the president, he reluctantly took over his job.大悟万万没有想到会是这样的事,在社长的百般劝说下,他勉强接下了工作。

8.I reluctantly agreed to accept that invitation, but only if it was at the every end of a working day.我不同意的接受那次邀请,几乎仅仅是因为这是每一个工作日的最后一次。

9.She reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor to be operated on her.她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻的医生为她作手术。

10.I told him to stop kidding himself since trading a bigger size made him no money either, and he reluctantly agreed to my plan.我告诉他不要自己骗自己了,因为较大的交易仓位也不会使他赚钱,他勉强开始接受我的建议。