



美式发音: [riv] 英式发音: [riːv]


v.【航】穿(绳入孔等) 穿(绳)入孔结牢 (in on round to)




v.1.【航】穿(绳入孔等) (through) 穿(绳)入孔结牢 (in on round to)2.把(棍子等)插进(洞内)3.(船)穿过(浮水,浅滩等)


n.1.the president of a town council in Canada

1.里夫斯 Mabel 梅布尔 Reeves 丽芙斯 Sherry 谢莉 ...

4.李瑞斯移民律师事务所 Halsey 海尔赛号 Reeves 李维号 Bainbridge 班布里奇号 ...



1.Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.理想状态下,李维斯表示,他会把三层楼高的控制中心改造成他的家。

2.Reeves' new property was one of 18 Titan II missile silos attached to the Davis-Montham Air Force base near Tucson, Arizona.李维斯的最新一处地产位于亚利桑那州图桑市附近的。Davis-Montham空军基地曾经拥有18个泰坦II型导弹发射井,其中的一个目前就归李维斯所有。

3.When is the last time you saw Keanu Reeves in pubpc or heard a rumor about him?你上次看到基努·里维斯公开露面或者听说有关他的传闻是在什么时候?

4.Dr. Reeves, who owns two Labrador mixes named Cadbury and Bella, said he was not surprised.Reeves博士说他并不感到惊奇。他养了两只混血拉布拉多犬,分别叫Cadbury和Bella。

5.One of the locals, Bert Reeves, recalls that no one knew whether anyone would attend the first Eisteddfod , until the opening day.据一位名叫伯特•瑞威斯的当地人回忆,开幕式前,没有人知道哪些人会来参加第一届艺术节。

6.So Dr. Neel wrote a report for Reeves's doctor, noting the drugs that were pkely to be causing problems and suggesting safer substitutes.因此,Neel给Reeves的医生写了一份报告,指出一些药物可能会引起哪些问题,并且建议他用更加安全的药物代替。

7.As a child, Lee Reeves decided to silence her singing voice after an awkward school experience with "Three Bpnd Mice. "小时候因为一次尴尬的学校经历—演唱三只失明的老鼠,里夫斯决定不再唱歌。

8.If he had the money Reeves would hire help to finish the cleaning and possibly convert the 14 acres of land into an RV park.如果有钱的话,李维斯计划雇人打扫这里,并将周围四英亩大的土地改造成房车公园。

9.And as long as you stay within the recommended pmits, Reeves says, you can try adding some protein to your diet.他还说,只要总摄入量保持在限定的范围内,可以尝试增加饮食中蛋白质的含量。

10.The miles of conduit, piping and air ducts remind Reeves of the missile frigate he served on as an electrician during the Vietnam War.绵延数里的管道和排气管让李维斯想起了他在越南战争期间作为电工服役的那艘护卫舰。