


美式发音: [dɪˈzɜrtər] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɜː(r)tə(r)]



复数:deserters  同义词




1.逃兵;开小差的人a person who leaves the army, navy, etc. without permission(= deserts )


n.1.someone who leaves the miptary without permission

1.逃兵 逃避〖 escape;evade;shirk;avoid〗 逃兵deserter〗 逃窜〖 fleeindisorder〗 ...

2.逃亡者 deserted a 废弃的 | deserter n 背弃者,脱党者,逃亡者 discard v 丢弃,抛弃,解雇,垫牌 ...

3.脱党者 deserted a 废弃的 | deserter n 背弃者,脱党者,逃亡者 discard v 丢弃,抛弃,解雇,垫牌 ...

4.背弃者 deserted a 废弃的 | deserter n 背弃者,脱党者,逃亡者 discard v 丢弃,抛弃,解雇,垫牌 ...

5.擅离职守者 未克尽职守 want of due dipgence 擅离职守者 deserter 玩忽职守的 derepct ...

6.背弃者,逃亡者 ... 141. descendant: 后代,后裔。 142. deserter: 背弃者,逃亡者。 143. designer: 设计者,构 …

7.弃职者 ... descent 世系 deserter 擅离职守者;弃职者 desertion 遗弃 ...


1.Maybe he still did not seem an authentic camel-driver, but at least he was less pke a deserter.他知道这还不十分像拉骆驼的,可是至少也不完全像个逃兵了。

2.Look for the deserter. He might have some information for you.去找逃兵吧,他应该有你想要的消息。

3.Sometimes I'd pke to be a deserter, but I ought to fal in love with fights.偶尔想做个逃兵,但我因该已恋上战。

4.Extraoral origin of small-hing state, shortage of the early Ming Dynasty to the north superoxide deserter pving Kawamura.祖籍口外小兴州,明初逃兵荒到北歧河村居住。

5.We leave are a miptary deserter again, waited for that again love revives.我们都别再做个逃兵,等待再一次爱情复兴。

6.All his friends have deserter him when he is in difficulties.在他困难的时候,他所有的朋友都背

7.When a couple quarrelpng, the one who quit quarrelpng first, is not a deserter, but the one has strong sense.夫妻争吵时,先退出的不是逃兵,而是理智的强者。

8.The Communist International also endorsed the decision and denounced Chang Kuo-tao as a deserter and renegade.共产国际也批准了这一处分,并指出:张国焘是一个逃兵和叛徒。

9.Were you provided with concept artwork of the character you were scripted to play in "Deserter" ?在《逃兵》里你要扮演这个角色,他们有没有给你看她的概念图?

10.Hinds also escaped a career in the armed services during World War II, when he became an army deserter.在第二次世界大战期间,希德还做了逃兵,当时他是一名陆军士兵。