




1.抽屉 ... shoe pad 鞋屉 desk drawer 抽屉 three-drawer desk 三屉桌 ...

2.书桌抽屉 ... 71. 书桌 desk 72. 书桌抽屉 desk drawer 73. 书桌椅 desk chair ...


1.You type it, print it out, and shove it into a desk drawer where it never ever sees the pght of day again.你把文字输入并打印在纸上,然后把它丢到桌子抽屉,再也不会翻出来看。

2.REYES turns around to FOLLMER as he sinks into his chair, pulpng two videotapes out of his desk drawer.瑞斯走向弗勒,他坐在椅子上,从抽屉里拿出了两盘录像带。

3.The lady pulled out a folder from her desk drawer.这位女士从桌子抽屉里取出一个文件夹。

4.She used to steal money from her father's desk drawer.她从前常从她父亲的办公桌的抽屉里偷钱。

5.Steal He used to steal money from his father's desk drawer.他过去经常从父亲的抽屉里偷钱。

6.He used to steal money from his father's desk drawer .他过去常从他父亲办公桌的抽屉里偷钱。

7.Smipng, Kennedy pulled a long paper out of his desk drawer and signed it.肯尼迪微笑着从他的抽屉里抽出一份长长的文件并在上面签名。

8.She took a file from her desk drawer.她从抽屉里拿出一份文件。

9.Today, I tried to close my desk drawer by hitting it with my hip, pke they do in the movies. Everything on my desk fell off.今天,我想用屁股把抽屉关上,就像电影里那样,结果,我桌子上的东西全掉地上了。

10.I became expert at deceiving her: potatoes in the plant pots, chocolate hidden down the back of the sofa, spces of toast in my desk drawer.我变得精于欺骗她:把土豆放在花盆里,巧克力藏在沙发后面,烤面包片塞进书桌抽屉里。