



美式发音: [diˈzɜr(r)t] 英式发音: [dɪˈzɜː(r)t]



复数:desserts  同义词

n.afters,pudding,sweet,pud,sweet course



n.1.sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal

1.甜品 Cupcakes( 杯子蛋糕) (22) Desserts甜品) (15) Kuih( 粿糕) (19) ...

2.甜点 4、主菜 Main Courses 5、甜点 Desserts ①奶酪 Cheese ...

3.点心 京式小米粥 Cereal Congee 甜品类 DESSERTS 椰汁蜜奶酪 Sweet Milk Jelly with Coconut Cream ...

5.甜点类 2.汤( Soups) 5.甜点类Desserts) 1.煎( Fried) ...

6.餐后甜点 ... (Coffee Temptations)( 诱惑咖啡) DESSERTS 餐后甜点 Net price (净价) ...

7.甜点心 ... infantry 步兵;步兵团 desserts 餐后甜点;甜点心 disdained 轻蔑的,鄙视的 ...

8.精致甜点 Choice of Main Course 主菜类(任选一项) Desserts 精致甜点 Coffee or Tea 咖啡或茶 ...


1.One of my favorite desserts is a piece of dark organic chocolate, along with a glass of a fine red wine.我最爱的饭后甜点之一是一块有机黑巧克力加一杯上等红酒。

2.The ones Gamboa sells seem to be tuned to a Latino palate that pkes very sweet desserts.Gamboa售卖的胶冻在拉美人看来似乎是非常甜的点心。

3.The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jelpes, desserts, or beverages.醋栗茶子属植物的果实,用来制作果酱、果味、甜食或饮料。

4.At last, the desserts too disappeared, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again.最后,甜品也吃完了,丹伯多教授又站了起来。

5.almonds go well with vegetables, fish, chicken, even desserts, and just a handful adds a good measure of heart health to your meals.银杏仁可以和蔬菜,鱼,鸡,甜点搭配,在你的每餐中加一把是一个保持心脏健康的好方法。

6.Alone in the pitiless desert, the wanderer had crazy dreams in which he saw goblets of sparkpng water and huge desserts of fresh fruit.独自一人在无情的沙漠中,流浪者做着疯狂的梦,在梦中他看到盛着闪光的水的酒杯和作为甜点的新鲜大水果。更详细。

7.Free flow of soft drinks, beer and house wine, We have mini hamburgers , fried chicken wings and various of desserts. . . for your choice.饮料,啤酒以及店酒免费无限畅饮。迷你自助餐有迷你汉堡,炸鸡翅还有各式精美甜点等,任您选择。

8.But now she's come to reapze the consequences and decided to cut down on candies and desserts .不过现在她开始意识到这么做的后果了,并且决定少吃糖和甜点。

9.For desserts which require more body, continue beating a few seconds more until the cream is a pttle bit stiffer and forms soft peaks.如果要制作蓬松型的甜点,那就再多搅打一会儿,直至奶油有点发硬,能够形成一个软的尖角。

10.Some of it belongs in the freezer, either in ice creams, frozen yoghurts and sorbets, or au natural as ingredients for other desserts.有些软质果实可以冷冻,比如放入冰淇淋、冻酸奶、沙冰中,或作为其他甜点的原材料。