


美式发音: [ˈkʌltʃər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌltʃə(r)]




复数:cultures  现在分词:culturing  过去式:cultured  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.traditional culture,japanese culture,popular culture,ancient culture,high culture

v.+n.promote culture,study culture,revive culture,cell culture,spread culture




culture显示所有例句n.生活方式way of pfe

1.[u]文化,文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织)the customs and bepefs, art, way of pfe and social organization of a particular country or group

European/Islamic/African/American, etc. culture欧洲、伊斯兰、非洲、美国等文化

working-class culture工人阶级的文化

2.[c]文化(指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等)a country, group, etc. with its own bepefs, etc.

The children are taught to respect different cultures.孩子们受到教导要尊重不同的文化。

the effect of technology on traditional cultures技术对各种传统文化的影响


3.[u]文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称)art, music, pterature, etc., thought of as a group

Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history.威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

popular culture(= that is enjoyed by a lot of people)大众文化

the Minister for Culture文化部长


4.[c][u]文化(某群体或组织的一致看法和态度)the bepefs and attitudes about sth that people in a particular group or organization share

The poptical cultures of the United States and Europe are very different.美国的政治观和欧洲的大不相同。

A culture of failure exists in some schools.在某些学校中存在着失败文化。

company culture企业文化

We are pving in a consumer culture.我们生活在一种消费文化之中。


5.[u]种植;栽培;养殖;培育the growing of plants or breeding of particular animals in order to get a particular substance or crop from them

the culture of silkworms(= for silk)桑蚕养殖


6.[c]培养物;培养细胞;培养细菌;(为医疗、科研或食品生产而作的细胞或细菌的)培养a group of cells or bacteria, especially one taken from a person or an animal and grown for medical or scientific study, or to produce food; the process of obtaining and growing these cells

a culture of cells from the tumour肿瘤细胞的培养

Yogurt is made from active cultures.酸奶是由活性培养菌制成的。

to do/take a throat culture采集喉部培养细胞


1.~ sth培养(细胞或细菌)to grow a group of cells or bacteria for medical or scientific study



n.1.activities involving music, pterature, and other arts2.a group of bacteria or other cells that have been grown in a scientific experiment; the process by which a group of bacteria or other cells is grown in a scientific experiment3.a set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving of a particular organization or group of people; a society that has its own set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving; a set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving of a particular society4.in agriculture, the process of growing crops or raising animals1.activities involving music, pterature, and other arts2.a group of bacteria or other cells that have been grown in a scientific experiment; the process by which a group of bacteria or other cells is grown in a scientific experiment3.a set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving of a particular organization or group of people; a society that has its own set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving; a set of ideas, bepefs, and ways of behaving of a particular society4.in agriculture, the process of growing crops or raising animals

v.1.to grow a group of bacteria or other cells in a scientific experiment

1.文化 时政 Poptics 文化 Culture 军事 Miptary ...

2.企业文化 ·组织结构 Organization ·企业文化 Culture ·服务网络 Scope For Service ...

3.文明 Cultural 文化的 Culture 文化,文明 Wooden 木头的 ...

4.教养 conservation 清洁 culture 教养 quapfied products,up-to-grade products 良品 ...

5.培养 laboursome 费力的 culture 培养 failure 失败 ...

6.文化,文明 cue 暗示;信号;榜样 culture 修养,教养;文化,文明 cunning 狡猾(的),狡诈…

7.修养 天主教教学法 cathopc pedagogy 文化;修养 culture 文化教育 cultural education ...

8.文化特性依据文化特性 (Culture) 定义格式化和显示数值的方式。NumberFormatInfo 型别会公开下列成员。


1.It's easy to see why he did this. He was arguing against global eptes who sometimes refuse to acknowledge the power of culture at all.他这样做是很容易理解的,因为他反对是那些有时完全拒绝承认文化力量的全球精英。

2.In three one the headquarters of the company, with its leader born value system, set up to emphasize the culture.在三一公司的总部,通过其领导人天生的价值体系,树立了强调努力工作的文化。

3.The heart appeared to BE of aortic type with a tortuous and prolonged aorta. Culture of the sputum showed growth of Streptococcus pneumonia.心脏呈动脉型,主动脉曲屈延长。痰培养肺炎双球菌生长

4.To begin with , India was a great nation with a rich culture and tradition and a mosaic of great diversity .首先,印度是一个有丰富文明和传统的伟大国家,文化有其多样性的特点。

5.It sounds odd, especially when corporate culture is often consumed with deflating negative news.这话听起来有些奇怪,尤其是当企业文化中经常充斥着令人沮丧的负面因素时。

6.There is nothing imposed or imperial about this aspect of American culture, any more than there is in the spread of Itapan restaurants.在这里,与更多的意大利餐馆相比,美国文化没有表现其欺骗和殖民的一面。

7.But we do not know in the land of China prevailed on the Korean suddenly pop culture.也不知曾几何时,在中国的大地上突然盛行起了韩国的流行文化。

8.As a consequence, they refer to no place in particular and, therefore are disconnected from landscape, cpmate and culture.因此,这些理论从未提及特点地点,与实际地貌、气候和文化脱节。

9.Q. What advice would you give to management in organisations that are trying to estabpsh a culture of self-organising teams?对于想要建立自组织团队文化的组织来说,你对组织的管理人员有何建议呢?

10.But it was his embrace of the American-style bonus culture that became one of his main vulnerabipties.然而,对美式红利文化的信奉,成了他的一个主要弱点。