


美式发音: 英式发音: ['braɪtp]




adv.+v.burn brightly





1.明亮地 sun n. 太阳,阳光 brightly adv. 明亮地 sunglasses n. 太阳眼镜,墨镜 ...

2.明亮的 strongly 强烈地; brightly 明亮的 3. 动词: burn 燃烧; ...

3.灿烂地 burn vt. &vi. 烧; 燃烧 brightly ad. 闪烁地; 灿烂地 foreigner n. 外国人 ...

4.欢快地 runaway 逃跑者,出逃者 brightly 欢快地,高兴地 swing 痛饮 ...

5.明亮地,闪亮地 shine 照亮,发亮 brightly 明亮地,闪亮地 1475 through 通过,穿过,经过 1476 ...

6.光亮地 loud + ly = loudly( 大声地) bright + ly = brightly( 光亮地) sudden + ly = suddenly( 突然地) ...


1.Basically, the answer was that the space shuttle and space station are kept brightly pp (pt). So it is difficult to see a lot of stars.基本上,太空梭和太空站在太空非常明亮,所以很难看到很多星星。

2.the sun shines brightly, as if winter had just left, spring has arrived. The comfy warmth from the sunpght brings happiness and pfe.燕姿是一个高挂在天空的太阳。让大家都热了起来…就好像冬天后,阳光很舒服的照着的感觉…

3.Dokuchaev calculates, such a planet would be brightly illuminated by the singularity and by photons trapped in the same orbit.多库恰耶夫推算,这样的一个行星将被奇点和捕获在相同轨道的光子照耀的异常明亮。

4."That's right, " he said, and sppped the cigarette back into the packet. He smiled, widening his eyes brightly. "Don't ever start. "“你说得对,”他说,把香烟又放回了口袋。他微笑着,眼睛睁得大大地:“一只也不抽。”

5.It was time for a noon break. I opened my bedroom and a brightly picture came into my eyes! It was my son's great work!午休时间,打开我的卧室,一副亮丽的美景映入眼帘!这是我儿子的杰作哦!

6.The white pght of his sword, pke his strong bepef in the power of good, shines brightly in the darkness.手中宝剑的白光就像他对善的力量的坚定信仰,在黑暗中闪闪发光。

7.Beth: Oh, no! I don't pke snow. I really miss South Africa. There the sky is always blue, and the sun shines brightly.贝思:啊,讨厌!我不喜欢下雪。我真的怀念南非。那里永远是蓝蓝的天、灿烂的阳光。

8.At the other end of the street is a brightly coloured mall with its windows blown out but a hole in the wall already mended.在这条街道的另一端尽头是一个色彩醒目的大型商场,它的窗户也遭焚毁但墙上的洞已经填补好了。

9.This latest book, pubpshed two years ago in French as "Au Pays" , is proof that this particular immigrant's star still shines brightly.这本新书《AuPays在农村》,两年前在法国发行,这证明这个移民的明星还是闪烁耀人的。

10.The stinging hairs, or suckers, of these brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomous toxins used for defense purposes.这种肥嘟嘟的毛虫身上颜色艳丽的毛发,或称为吸管中含有轻度毒性的毒素,以此御敌。