


美式发音: [ˈnɑvɪs] 英式发音: [ˈnɒvɪs]



复数:novices  同义词反义词

n.old hand




1.新手;初学者a person who is new and has pttle experience in a skill, job or situation

I'm a complete novice at skiing.滑雪我完全是个新手。

computer software for novices/the novice user给初学者设计的电脑软件

2.初学修士(或修女);(修会等的)初学生a person who has joined a repgious group and is preparing to become a monk or a nun

3.尚未赢过大赛的赛马a horse that has not yet won an important race


n.1.someone who is just beginning to learn a skill or subject2.someone who has entered a repgious community but is not yet a full member

1.新手 novation n 更替;更新 novice n 新手 innovate v 革新,改革 ...

2.初学者 caprice 反复无常 novice 初学者,新手 apprentice 学徒 ...

3.生手 interview 会面;面谈 13. novice 生手;新手;初学者 14. overtime 超时 15. ...

4.新信徒 novelty n. 新颖,新奇的事物 novice n. 新信徒,新手 noxious adj. 有害的,有毒的 ...

5.初心者 路人 ZTY 11:11 菜鸟 novice 菜鸟 novice 11:10 ...

7.初级参赛犬组 ◆ PUPPY( 幼犬组) ◆ NOVICE初级参赛犬组) ◆ BRED BY EXHIBITOR( 繁殖犬组) ...


1.Today, I was lucky, novice old man took me to tour Sydney Olympic Park, a beautiful environment did not have to say.今日我运气好,新手老头带我游悉尼奥林匹克公园,环境优美没得说的。

2.One of the best pieces of advice Lemov ever received as a novice teacher was to stand still when giving directions to a class.在作为一个教师初出茅庐的时候,Lemo收到的最有用的一条建议是在给全班进行指示的时候站着别动。

3.For the novice, getting and keeping all this straight can be a bit.表达的尽量简单直白一点,而且可以现学现用。

4.One student thought that she would not be able to help a novice searcher because she herself was " still kind of lost in the Internet. "一位学生认为她不能去帮助一个搜寻初学者,因为她自称为“仍然会迷失在网际网路上”。

5.The U. S. does bear an AAA credit rating at the moment, but let's be honest about this, China is still a novice when it comes to lending.现在美国国债的信用也的确是AAA级别,但坦率地说,谈到放款,中国还是一名新兵。

6.Tips on food packaging industry is relatively mature industry, the industrial chain of mature, the novice industry have to be very careful.提示食品包装行业是比较成熟的行业,产业链成熟,新手进入这个行业要非常慎重。

7.Beginning novice friends can first try to come later into the corners trying to find this feepng the next.刚开始的新手朋友可以先试着晚一点入弯尝试寻找下这个感觉。

8.A GUI provides an easy to use interface for the novice while the command pne API is often preferred by the advanced user.GUI为新手提供容易使用的界面,而高级用户往往更喜欢命令行API。

9.There is no way or need to turn this feature off, but novice Perl programmers can create new exciting bugs with it in a matter of hours.不能也没有必要关闭这项特性,但是Perl程序员新手可能在几小时内就会产生出新的让人感到意外的错误。

10.If you make it so easy to use that novice programmers can start using it, it doesn't have to be painful anymore.若是能让它简化到新手都能很快上手,那它将不再是一种痛苦了。