


美式发音: [pækt] 英式发音: [pækt]









1.异常拥挤的;挤满人的extremely full of people

The restaurant was packed.餐馆里坐满了客人。

The show played to packed houses(= large audiences) .演出场场爆满。

2.有大量…的;…极多的containing a lot of a particular thing

The book is packed with information.这本书资料丰富。

an information-packed book一本资料丰富的书

3.tightly ~紧密压在一起的pressed closely together

The birds' nests are pned with tightly packed leaves.鸟巢有一层压得密密实实的树叶。

4.[nbn](informal)收拾好行李having put everything you need into cases, boxes, etc. before you go somewhere

I'm all packed and ready to go.我已打点好行装,准备出发了。



adj.1.The derivative of pack2.extremely crowded3.containing a lot of something4.if you are packed, you have put your possessions into bags, suitcases, or boxes so that you can take or send them somewhere5.packed snow, sugar, or soil has been pressed together firmly to form a hard mass1.The derivative of pack2.extremely crowded3.containing a lot of something4.if you are packed, you have put your possessions into bags, suitcases, or boxes so that you can take or send them somewhere5.packed snow, sugar, or soil has been pressed together firmly to form a hard mass

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pack

1.拥挤的 whacked 精疲力尽的 packed 充满人的,拥挤的 henpecked 顺从妻子的,惧内的 ...

2.充满…的 squirts v. 喷出 packed 充满...的, 塞满了...的 jam n. 果酱, 拥挤, 堵塞, 困境 ...

3.包装 clearly 清楚地 packed 包装 dreadful 令人恐惧 ...

4.包装的 vendor n. 厂商,自动售货机 packed a. 包装的 implement n. 工具,器具 ...

5.挤得满满的 appped 应用的 packed 挤得满满的 marked 显著的 ...

6.填充的 packaging|包装 packed|填充的 paedogenetic parthenogenesis|幼体孤雌生殖 ...

7.打包 pan-baked: 【锅贴千层面】 packed: 打包 Monday: 星期一 ...

8.挤满的 packing n. 包装,填塞 packed adj. 充满的,挤满的 the law of averages 平均律 ...


1.A few months ago, I was getting ready to go on another book tour, and I had my bags packed.几个月之前,我准备进行新一轮新书外地宣传,行李都已经收拾好了。

2.When they were waiting at the check-in counter. Mr. Smith began to question his wife about the things she had packed.当他们在登记台等候的时候,史密斯先生开始问他的妻子关于她打包的东西的一些问题。

3.One day she turned up in a packed schoolyard at break-time dressed as an Easter bunny, hopped around for a while, and then hopped off home.一天课间休息时,她出现在人头攒动的操场,打扮成一个复活节兔子(Easterbunny),她蹦了一会,然后蹦着回了家。

4.He said that fish kills were not uncommon, especially in winter when fish are packed more closely, but he did not recall one of this size.他说,鱼儿死亡并非罕见,特别是在冬季,鱼群相对生活得更集中。但他没有提及之前任何一次死鱼数量规模。

5.Heart hurts so much good sad, appearance is packed to the heart to strong pain but is still cannot heal.心好痛好难过,外表装得再坚强内心的痛却仍是无法愈合。

6.The beast continued to pursue the Jedi Knight, rending large holes in the hard-packed sand with its vicious stabs.这头野兽继续追赶这位绝地武士,用利刺在坚硬的沙子上凿出巨大的裂口。

7.Please note that each cargo is requested to be wrapped up in oil-paper and packed in a zinc-pned case.请注意:每批货物都必须以油纸包裹,并装进钉锌条的箱子里。

8.Here also is the Air and Space Building which is packed with the history of flying, from the early days up to our own time of space travel.这里还有航空航天大楼,里面收集了各种有关飞行史的资料和物品,包括最早期的飞行史料一直到当代的太空旅行史料。

9.With the carton perched on his head, the porter led me through the vast, densely packed concourse and into the waiting salon.搬运工把箱子顶在头上,引领我穿过了宽敞而拥挤的广场进入候车厅。

10.Whether this was to control the amount of people who were trying to get in to an already packed club or price gouging is anyone's guess.是否这将控制设法到达对已经被包装的俱乐部或价格欺骗的相当数量人是任何人的猜测。