


美式发音: [dɪˈtætʃt] 英式发音: [dɪ'tætʃt]





adj.+n.detached house





1.单独的;独立的;不连接的not joined to another house on either side

2.不带感情的;超然的;冷漠的showing a lack of feepng

She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical.她希望他不再那么冷酷无情,那么无动于衷,那么愤世嫉俗。

3.客观的;公正的;无偏见的not influenced by other people or by your own feepngs

a detached observer客观的观察者



adj.1.not feepng involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way2.a detached house is not joined to another house

v.1.The past participle and past tense of detach

1.分离的 pneumonia n. 肺炎 detached a. 超然的; 冷漠的; 分离的 detach vt. 分开, 分离 ...

2.超然的 destructive 毁灭的 detached 超然的, detrimental 有害的 ...

3.游离状态 DET:Detective 侦探 DET:Detached 分开的 DET:determinant 行列式 ...

7.独立的 SAP detachable 可拆卸的 detached 分离的,独立的 detached mode radio button detail 细节(n)、 …


1.Dalphiaana: It would be very difficult to be detached when something has happened to my own children. That would be a very big test.当某事发生在我自己的孩子身上,分开它将是非常困难的。那将是一个非常大的检验。

2.As a writer, I was used to being detached, but I was hit by a wave of sadness as I tried to say goodbye.作为作者,我过去一直习惯于超然事外,但是当我试着说再见时,一股悲伤涌入我内心。

3.Qing Tong now looks back on the more than two years that she spent at the Foxconn plant with the more detached attitude of an observer.回首在富士康工厂度过的两年多时间,青桐如今能够采取较为超然的观察者态度。

4.The key is to get someone detached and able to see everything from a fresh perspective.关键在于,找一个独立于你公司之外的人,他们能从一个全新角度分析一切事情。

5.This sense of hiding away from trouble and of leaders being detached from the world remains one of the problems with bunkers.这种关于逃避麻烦、当权者脱离世界的理解成为地下堡垒的问题之一。

6.Deidara : Tobi, I must start! You'll be able to see this pttle runts pmbs detached from his body in a bit!迪达拉:阿飞,我要启动了!待会儿可以看到那小鬼的四肢和身体分开了!

7.hinting instead that Britons would be given a choice between the status quo and a more detached relationship.相反,他却暗示称英国人应该在当前现状和一种更为独立的关系之间做出选择

8.Seeds detached from bracts, with a lateral wing on 1 side and a small protrusion (occasionally developed into a wing) on other.种子分开从那里苞片,具侧翅在一边上和小伸出(偶有发育成为一翅在另1面。

9.When he reached the fence, Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting.乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从腰带上解下一副笨重的剪铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。

10.She detached a small gold cigarette-case from one of her bracelets, held it out to him, and took a cigarette herself.她取下一个小小的金烟盒,向他递过去,她自己也拿了一支香烟。