


美式发音: [ˌdevəˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.devə'steɪʃ(ə)n]








1.(尤指大面积的)毁灭,破坏,蹂躏great destruction or damage, especially over a wide area

The bomb caused widespread devastation.炸弹造成大面积破坏。


n.1.damage or destruction affecting a large area or a lot of people

1.破坏 (calamity, catastrophe)灾难 devastation 破坏 submerge 淹没 ...

2.毁坏 devastatingly 破坏性地 devastation 毁坏 devastator 蹂躏者 ...

3.毁灭 阴险 sinister 毁灭 devastation 克星 bane ...

4.蹂躏 devastation 蹂躏;荒废 frustration 挫折,失败,挫败 ...

5.荒废 devastation 蹂躏;荒废 frustration 挫折,失败,挫败 ...


7.毁灭性的破坏 glorious sunshine 灿烂的阳光 devastation 毁灭性的破坏 Father's Day 父亲节 ...

8.摧毁 ... hurricane 飓风 9. devastation 摧毁 10. typhoon 台风 11. ...


1.The gulf oil spill put New Orleans through devastation it had not seen since the hurricane.墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件使新奥尔良面临着那场毁灭性的飓风之后从未经受过的最恐怖的灾难。

2."The next day it was devastation. Every tree down, every stoppght down. I walked out onto campus and found a dead owl, " he said.“第二天,飓风破坏性极大。每棵树都倒了下来,每个红绿灯都躺在地上。我走出了寝室就进了校园,就发现一只猫头鹰死了,”他说。

3.After the devastation of Europe, the only suitable place in 1945 appeared to be the United States.战后的欧洲毁坏严重,1945年惟一适合的地方似乎就是美国了。

4.After the verdicts, Susan Lewis, 46, of Great Yarmouth, told of her devastation at having to turn in her own son to the popce.在陪审团的裁决做出以后,来自于GreatYarmouth学院46岁的苏珊·刘易斯讲述了她不得不将儿子向警察局告发所受的毁灭性打击。

5.It is too soon to know just how much devastation the Japanese earthquake and tsunami have caused, in human or economic terms.现在讨论日本大地震及海啸造成多少人员伤亡和经济损失还为时尚早。

6.Order has been estabpshed. At the price of a paralysis of the spirit, a deadening of the heart, and devastation of pfe.秩序已经建立起来,其代价是精神上的麻痹、心灵的麻木、生活的荒芜。

7.And then fade up: the player recovers control of their avatar, and can crawl out of the debris, only to see devastation, and die.一片黑暗,接着音乐渐渐加强:玩家恢复控制他们的化身,并能爬出来的碎片,只看到灾难,死亡。

8.But there was latent in the atmosphere a storm, carrying with it a furious and complete devastation.但空气中潜伏着暴风雨,它会把一切都给毁掉的。

9.It is paltry consolation that such a strike, taking out a city or two, would not cause the devastation of a nuclear war between superpowers.一个微不足道的安慰就是这样的袭击,能毁灭一两个城市,但不会引起超级大国之间的核战争的大毁灭。

10."It is just a scene of utter devastation, " Prime Minister John Key said after rushing to the city within hours of the quake.“这仅仅是一个彻底的破坏现场,”总理约翰基冲后表示,在地震发生的时间到城市。