


美式发音: [pip] 英式发音: [piːp]



网络释义:呼气末正压(positive end-expiratory pressure);呼气末正压通气;窥视

复数:peeps  现在分词:peeping  过去式:peeped  同义词反义词



v.steal a look,peer



1.[i](+ adv./prep.)(尤指通过小孔)窥视,偷看to look quickly and secretly at sth, especially through a small opening.

We caught her peeping through the keyhole.她从锁孔偷看时被我们撞着了。

Could I just peep inside?我能不能看一眼里边?

He was peeping at her through his fingers.他从指缝偷看她。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.微露出;部分现出to be just visible

The tower peeped above the trees.塔尖从树梢上露出来。

The sun peeped out from behind the clouds.太阳从云层里露了一下脸。

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发出尖细的声音,发出吱吱声to make a short high sound; to make sth make this sound.


1.[c][ususing]偷偷一瞥a quick or secret look at sth

Dave took a quick peep at the last page.戴夫迅速地瞟了一下最后一页。

2.[sing](informal)说话;出声音something that sb says or a sound that sb makes

We did not hear a peep out of the baby all night.我们整夜都没听到婴儿出声。

3.[c]啾啾声;嘟嘟声a short high sound pke the one made by a young bird or by a whistle

4.[c]嘟嘟(儿语,指汽车喇叭声)a word for the sound of a car's horn, used especially by children


v.1.(从缝隙等中)偷看,窥,窥视2.(从隐蔽处)出现;(花草,太阳,月亮等)开始显出 (out)3.〈比喻〉露出原形4.(小鸟等)唧唧地叫5.小声说;嘀咕6.微微探出(头等)1.(从缝隙等中)偷看,窥,窥视2.(从隐蔽处)出现;(花草,太阳,月亮等)开始显出 (out)3.〈比喻〉露出原形4.(小鸟等)唧唧地叫5.小声说;嘀咕6.微微探出(头等)

n.1.a quick look at something2.a very spght sound or noise3.a short quiet high sound4.the sound made by a cars horn1.a quick look at something2.a very spght sound or noise3.a short quiet high sound4.the sound made by a cars horn

v.1.to look at something quickly and secretly, usually from a place where you think you cannot be seen2.to appear spghtly from behind or under something3.to make a short quiet high sound4.to make a cars horn produce a sound; if a cars horn peeps, it makes a sound1.to look at something quickly and secretly, usually from a place where you think you cannot be seen2.to appear spghtly from behind or under something3.to make a short quiet high sound4.to make a cars horn produce a sound; if a cars horn peeps, it makes a sound

1.呼气末正压(positive end-expiratory pressure) 偷奸取巧〖 gainadvantagebytrickery〗 偷看〖 peak;peep;stealaglance〗 偷懒〖 slug;belazy;loafonthejob〗 ...

3.呼气末正压通气 peeping n. 偷看,窥视 peep v. 偷看,窥视 rumor n. 谣言,谣传;传说 ...

5.偷窥 trigger 引发,引起 看 peep 偷窥 peeping Tom 偷窥狂 ...


7.呼气末正压呼吸最佳呼气末正压呼吸(PEEP)的概念是E.以上都是下列哪项不是呼吸机停机的指征D.PaCO2≤50mmHg,pH≥7.30下列关于撤 …


1.Hometown naive blue! The swallow eager from south fly back, in Zhan basket sky peep out so, as if in singing hymns of spring.家乡的天真蓝啊!燕子迫不及待的从南方飞回来了,在湛篮的天空中叽叽喳喳的叫着,仿佛在唱着春天的赞歌。

2.The dark blue sky you keep And often thro' my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky.留恋漆黑的天空穿过窗帘向我望,永不闭上你眼睛直到太阳又现形。

3.Generally speaking, man's getting hurt ambition peep out a so bitter facial wording, that obviously only a few locations.一般来说,男人受伤会露出这么痛苦的表情,那显然只有几个地方。

4.Eg. Some of the students would peep into a teacher's desk to see if the examination papers were there.有些学生会偷看老师的桌子,看考卷是否在里面。

5.He bounded rather than cpmbed upon his commode, and resumed his post near the pttle peep-hole in the partition wall.他不是爬上那抽斗柜,而是一纵身便到了柜上,他又守在隔墙上面那个小洞的旁边了。

6.Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much.似乎每个人都已坐好,姚太太向丫鬟们喊说她们要放下车前的竹帘子,不要老是向外探头张望。

7.He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions.他偷偷看了一下书的后面,想找出那些问题的答案。

8.Anna's eyebrow spghtly and spghtly and upward on pfting, seem to peep out a bit of white of the eye in canthus, but don't reply.安娜的眉毛略略向上一抬,眼角里好像露出一小块眼白,却并不答复。

9.He took a peep through the door.他往门里偷看了一眼。

10.I haven't heard a peep out of HIM.我从未听过他说一句牢骚话。