




1.大力神 Bombshell 炸弹 炸弹 Devastator 大力神 破坏者 Bonecrusher 推土机 船头浪 ...

3.毁灭者 devastation 毁坏 devastator 蹂躏者 develop 发展 ...

5.机器人大力神出现的角色,当中有多个十分抢眼,包括狂派的巨型合体机器人大力神(Devastator)、“终极坏人”堕落金刚;属于博派的双胞 …

6.大力神破坏者 Bombshell 炸弹炸弹 Devastator 大力神破坏者 Bonecrusher 推土机船头浪 ...

7.毁灭者战舰 ... Devourer( 吞噬者坦克) Devastator毁灭者战舰) Buzzers( 蜂群) ...

8.挖地虎船头浪/碎骨魔(Bonecrusher):建筑派机器人之一,和其它建筑派机器人可组合成巨型机器人“挖地虎”(Devastator)。威震 …


1.They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator. One of the best Transformers toys ever.他们是最厉害的,因为把组合挖地虎的六个玩具组装起来就变成了大力神--有史以来最厉害的变形金刚。

2.As you can see; the Devastator Warship's discs are missing the Zone Raiders and hitting the area indicated by the red square.正如你看到的一样,毁灭者战舰的碟炮弹打不到区域突袭兵而落在了红框内。

3.Devastator looks pke a gorilla, and has the cement mixer drum in the centre of his chest, which he can use as a weapon.大力神看起来很像大猩猩,搅拌车的桶长在人形中间,可当武器使用。

4.Ironically, the model of the Devastator, Darth Vader's ship, was smaller than the Rebel blockade runner it was chasing.具有讽刺意味的是,达斯·维德的飞船“蹂躏者号”的模型比它追击的义军封锁突破船模型要小。

5.With the range and spread of Devastator Warship shots, they are a great addition to taking out husks.毁灭战舰的射程和溅射,使它们在消灭外壳时有很大优势。

6.The Eradicator Hexapod's initial weapons are plasma discs that resemble closely the Devastator Warship's weapon.根除者六足机甲的初始游戏装备武器是类似于毁灭战舰的粒子飞盘。

7.After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry.科技发展以后,毁灭者战舰对步兵和建筑都是致命的。

8.In the battle of Mission City, Jazz attacks Devastator and bends his gun barrel while he's in tank mode.城市大战中,在Devastator还在坦克模式的时候,Jazz袭击他,并把他的枪筒弄弯了。