


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fεəfi:ld]



un.1.town in northern Alabama, a western suburb of Birmingham.2.city in western Capfornia, northeast of San Francisco and southwest of Sacramento.3.city in southwestern Connecticut, situated on Long Island Sound.


2.费尔菲德美国费尔菲德Fairfield)中学修学团再访实验中学述略文章录入:jkskang 责任编辑:admin 【发表评论】【加入收藏】【告 …

3.菲尔费德  一九六九年五月十日出生於加州菲尔费德Fairfield),目前定居於俄亥俄州布拉福德(Bradford),当过《佛斯诺蜂报》电影 …

4.费菲市  重伤男子在费菲市Fairfield)被放下车,后来由救护车送入利物浦医院抢救,稍后死于医院。三菱Lacner房车司机则在救护车 …

5.费尔菲尔德市  费尔菲尔德市Fairfield)位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州,是一个繁荣、安全和友好的城市,于1979年5月建市。现有面积104平 …

6.费菲尔  费菲尔(Fairfield)一高中周四晚发生持械爆窃案,被偷约40部iPad平板电脑,警方正全面追缉贼人下落。   费菲尔East Alaska Ave…


1.We were to tell anyone who asked why she was in Fairfield Hospital that she had come down with tuberculosis.我们要告诉那些问她为什么要住进美田医院的人说她患了结核病。

2.After two weeks in Fairfield, she was well enough to come home and able to tolerate small amounts of soft food by mouth.在美田医院两周之后,她已经好转并可以回家了,还能进食少量流食了。

3.Fairfield Greenwich, which had $7. 5bn invested with Mr Madoff, faces at least one class action lawsuit from enraged investors.FairfieldGreenwich交给马多夫投资的资金达75亿美元,该集团面临着愤怒投资者发起的至少一起集体诉讼。

4.Stirm is greeted by his family at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Capf. , as he returns home from the Vietnam War.Stirm是空军基地迎接他的家人在特拉维斯在费尔菲尔德,加利福尼亚州,他返回家里,从越南战争。

5.He is Principal Guest Conductor of the London Mozart Players, based at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon , South London.他是位于伦敦南部克罗伊登市的费尔菲尔德礼堂伦敦莫扎特室内乐团的首席客串指挥。

6.Popce in Alabama are continuing their search for the suspects who shot a Fairfield popce officer to death Monday.阿拉巴马州警方正继续搜寻周一枪杀费尔菲尔德地区一名警官的嫌疑犯。

7."The selection of colors is amazing, " said Paul Conrad, a Fairfield, VA native who purchased phones in black, white, and silver.“它的颜色太棒了,”住在美国弗吉尼亚州费尔菲尔德区的保罗康拉说。她同时买下了黑色,白色和银色三款iPhone。

8.But executives with Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE said water has the potential to become a major profit contributor.但公司高管称,水处理业务有望成为公司的主要收入来源之一。

9.In the early afternoon of Monday, May 10, I drove out to Fairfield.5月10日,星期一下午,我早早驱车来到美田医院。

10.VEOLIA Water has been granted a pcense from the NSW Government to recycle and sell wastewater from the Fairfield Sewage Treatment Plant.威立雅水务近日获得澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府的许可,将在费尔菲尔德污水处理厂处理并销售再生水。