




1.热爱着你 87 不再 No More 88 热爱着你 Devoted To You 89 旧金山 San Francisco ...

2.痴心的我 金装大酒店 / Jin zhuang da jiu dian 痴心的我 / Devoted To You 飞越迷情 / Enigma of Love ...

3.热爱著你 87 不再犹豫 Not hesitate 88 热爱著你 Devoted To You 90 棉花田 Cotton Field ...

4.奉献给你 12 蓝月亮 Blue moon 13 奉献给你 Devoted to you 14 参加你的婚礼 I went to your wedding ...

5.深爱着你 Paul Anka 保罗安卡 Devoted to you 深爱着你 ─ The Everly Brothers 艾维利兄弟 ...

6.深爱著你 Desperado 亡命之徒 — Devoted to you 深爱著你 — Diamond and rust 钻石与铁锈* — ...

7.对你忠实 Limbo Rock 连布舞 Devoted to You 对你忠实 ... News 98 新闻网 ... ...

8.全心的爱你 ... 03-Smokes Gets In Your Eyes 眼中的迷雾 04-Devoted To You 全心的爱你 05-The Great Love Of All 至爱 ...


1.If you were in his position, would you feel happy? Would you not prefer your wife to be faithful and devoted to you?你难道不喜欢自己的太太对你忠实且深爱着你吗?

2.With all her heart. Completely, unstintingly , she's devoted to you, and you adore her. I told you it wouldn't be easy.全心全意地爱你。完全的,无私的,对你非常用心,而且你也敬重她。我告诉你这并不容易。

3.A man who makes a lot of money and is devoted to his work won't be devoted to you in the same way, I promise you.一个会赚很多钱、致力于工作的男人,不见得对你也会一样倾心,相信我,我敢向你保证这一点。

4.Through the years my love will grow. Like a river; it will flow. It cant die because Im so devoted to you.随着时光流逝,我对妳的爱就会像河流般地生生不息,它永不干枯,因为我挚爱着妳。

5.Ill adore your charms subpme. Guess by now you know that Im devoted to you.我将爱慕妳那高贵的风韵,我想现在妳已知道我挚爱着妳。

6.Guess by now you know that I'm devoted to you.我想现在你已经知道我热爱着你。

7.Would you not prefer your wife to be faithful and devoted to you?你难道不喜欢自己的太太对你忠实且深爱著你吗?

8.In this episode we'll discuss what it takes to get and keep customers who are devoted to you and your company.本集,我们会探讨如何让客户对你和你的公司保持依恋和投入。

9.Do you want fans around the world to set up websites devoted to you?你想在全球拥有无数崇拜者并让他们为你建立个人网站吗?

10.I wish I were old, my pfe's devoted to you all.但愿我已经衰老,但愿我的一生已全部交给了你。