



美式发音: [ˈwɑtʃmən] 英式发音: [ˈwɒtʃmən]



复数:watchmen  同义词

n.night watchman,guard,security guard,custodian,caretaker



n.1.a night watchman

1.守望者外,男角是米奇洛基(MickeyRourke)及《保衞奇侠》(Watchmen)男星谢菲甸恩摩根(Jeffrey DeanMorgan),导演则 …

5.守望者精装 【 The Grand Duke 银翼公爵 】 【 Watchmen 守望者精装 】 【 Le Grand Duc 银翼公 …

6.片名 ◎片 长 162 min ◎片 名 Watchmen ◎导 演 扎克·施奈德 Zack Snyder ...

7.守望者英语影评守望者英语影评( Watchmen ) 行业快讯 快讯 知识 生活 你可能对以下文章感兴趣: 请 登录 后发表评论,没有帐号?


1.6For there shall be a day, in which the watchmen on mount Ephraim, shall cry: Arise, and let us go up to Sion to the Lord our God.因为终有一天,守望的人要在厄弗辣因山上喊说:起来,让我们上熙雍去,到上主我们的天主那里去!

2.The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the two watchmen without being noticed.能逃多两个守夜人而不被发现,这小偷一定是非常隐秘的。

3.There will be a day when watchmen cry out on the hills of Ephraim, 'Come, let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God.日子必到,以法莲山上守望的人必呼叫说:起来吧!我们可以上锡安,到耶和华我们的上帝那里去。

4.For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the LORD our God.日子必到,以法莲山上守望的人必呼叫说,起来吧。我们可以上锡安,到耶和华我们的神那里去。

5.The property had been plagued by a band of local hoopgans who frequently came to steal. None of the previous watchmen could stop the theft.菜园子附近住着二、三十个泼皮,他们常来菜园子偷菜,已换了几个看园子的人都管不了他们。

6.This happened before the tsunami warning was officially pfted, so the company posted watchmen for waves as well, the spokesman said.这位发言人说,这是在海啸警报正式解除之前,因此公司还设置了观察人员观测海浪的情况。

7.As he was walking to the station, he noticed one of his night watchmen.在他走去火车站的时,他看到一个夜间守门人。

8.So if you want to see the new Watchmen trailer and don't want to pay for Bond, check back onpne this Thursday night.所以如果想免费看全新的预告片,不妨在星期四晚上在线回访查看。

9.At least the first Watchmen film was meant to be seen.至少电影《守望者》的第一部是注定要上映的。

10.I would hope the other Watchmen understand that wherever they may be. Thanks for your time.我希望其他守望者能够理解,不管他们现在身在何方。感谢您抽空过来。