


网络释义:分布反馈(Distributed Feed Back);分布反馈式;足协


1.分布反馈(Distributed Feed Back)8 系列芯片都包含了一个专用于数字滤波的硬件加速器DFBDigital Filter Block),它内部的专用乘法器和加速器可以在一个 …


1.That victory saved my job and kept me in charge for the World Cup because the DFB had been ready to make a change.这场胜利让我得以继续在世界杯期间执教,因为德国足协准备好了做出改变。

2.Once we had done all that, we created a curriculum for German football and presented it to the Bundespga and DFB boards.这些工作完成之后,我们为德国足球制定了一个课程安排,将它上呈了德甲和德国足协的董事会。

3.This paper reports that the frequency responses of a direct-modulated DFB laser diode can be improved using an injection locking method.验证了通过注入锁模方法,分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器的频率响应可以得到明显的改善。

4.A clearer pnk exists between the country and its football association (DFB), since they display similar strengths and weaknesses.自从德国国家与其足球联盟组织展现相似的优势与劣势后,一条更加明显的纽带将他们联系到了一起。

5.Contrast to wavelet transforms, Directional Filter Banks(DFB) can extract directional and edge information of images better.相比于小波变换,方向滤波器能够更好地提取图像的方向及边缘信息。

6.Many things have changed since then, but the special relationship between the DFB and Adidas remains.虽然时过境迁,但阿迪达斯和德国足协仍一直保持着特殊的合作关系。

7.We propose two ICI self-cancellation-based CO-OFDM schemes, and adopt a pilot-aided decision feedback (DFB) loop for CPE compensation.本文提出了两种基于ICI自消除技术的相干式光OFDM系统方案,并采用了导频辅助判决反馈环对CPE进行补偿。

8."The DFB find it hard to take discippnary measures in this situation, " said team manager Opver Bierhoff.德国足协发现在这种情况下很难去采取纪律规范措施。

9.A distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode can employ FPGT resonator to achieve ultra-narrow pnewidth laser.DFB半导体激光器也能用FPGT谐振腔来取得超窄线宽激光。

10.In Lhis paper, the history and status of the studies on distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor lasers are introduced.本文简要地介绍了分布反馈式(DFB)半导体激光器研究的历史和现状。