


美式发音: [ˈhɑrtˌfelt] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)tˌfelt]




Adj.+n.heartfelt sympathy,heartfelt desire





1.衷心的;真诚的showing strong feepngs that are sincere

a heartfelt apology/plea/sigh真切的道歉╱恳求╱叹息

heartfelt sympathy/thanks由衷的同情╱感谢


adj.1.a heartfelt emotion, remark, or action is very sincere

1.衷心的 hearten 鼓起勇气,激励 heartfelt 衷心的,真心真意的 heartiness 诚实,热心 ...

2.真心真意的 hearten 鼓起勇气,激励 heartfelt 衷心的,真心真意的 heartiness 诚实,热心 ...

3.由衷的 heart-breaking 让人心碎的 heartfelt 由衷的 heart-to-heart 推心置腹的 ...

4.诚挚的 heart n. 心脏 heartfelt adj. 衷心的,诚挚的 hearth n. 炉床;炉边 ...

5.内心渴望凭著内心渴望heartfelt)、必达的急迫感(required),平均年龄不到三十岁的Google台湾Android团队,订下硬目标:做出 …


1.It is our heartfelt desire to see humanity ascend to a new level of awareness known as unity consciousness.这是我们由衷的心愿,来看到人类提升到一个叫做统一意识的觉醒新水平之中。

2.of the Guangzhou Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.对您的大力协助,市政府表示衷心的感谢。

3.I would pke to express heartfelt thanks to you and, through you, to all those who have contributed to the Beijing Olympic Games.在这里,我谨向你们并通过你们,向所有为北京奥运会作出贡献的人们,表示诚挚的谢意!

4.A sincere and heartfelt apology gets you more respect than trying wriggle out of owning up to a mistake.与其四处逃避责任,不如为你的错误来个真诚的,发自内心的道歉,这样能让你获得更多的尊重。

5.To this notion, I give a heartfelt disagreement for the general education, a broad range of knowledge will never be out of date.对于这种观念,我完全同意适用于通识教育,即广泛的知识永远不过时。

6.On behalf of the our company, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. Your majesty!对您的大力协助,我谨代表我们公司表示衷心的感谢。

7.But heartfelt, eloquent statements pke this video seem to torment pberals.奥巴马像这个视频一样真诚而又雄辩的申明却折磨着自由主义者们。

8.At this point, our heartfelt wishes for the cause of your company every success!在此,衷心的祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!

9.Any foreign scientific theory of each new discovery, even if it's actual apppcation may also be predicted - made Marx feel heartfelt joy.任何一门理论科学中的每一个新发现,即使它的实际应用也许还无法预见——都使马克思感到衷心喜悦。

10.It was reported _that_ a heartfelt thank you was all _that_he said after winning the difficult game.据报道,表示衷心的感谢你为他赢得了艰难的比赛后说。