



美式发音: [ˈbæskət] 英式发音: [ˈbɑːskɪt]




复数:baskets  搭配同义词

adj.+n.big basket,large basket,same basket

n.carrier,bag,hamper,picnic basket,pnen basket




n.1.a container for carrying or keeping things in, made from thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, and sometimes with a handle; the things in a basket, or the amount that it contains2.the net that you throw the ball through in basketball; a point scored in basketball3.a group of currenciesdifferent types of money used in different countries used for comparing the value of another currency

1.篮子 )bargains 便宜的东西,廉价货; )baskets 篮子,筐; )track 行踪,小径,轨道; ...

2.筐 )bargains 便宜的东西,廉价货; )baskets 篮子,; )track 行踪,小径,轨道; ...

3.篮筐 /kidz/ 是什么单词 baskets 筐子(复数) kids 孩子们 ...

5.车篮 喇叭/ Horns 车篮/ Baskets 水壼/ Water Bottles ...

6.篮图片 有蓝色霉菌花纹的图片 blanc bleu 篮图片 baskets 图片 lerawadee ...

7.车筐 刹车类 ↑ Brake Type 车筐Baskets TONYON 通用 ...


1.The rising water carried the baskets off the ship, but none survived the turbulence created as the ship sank to the bottom.海水逐渐上升,那些柳条筐漂离船上,但邮轮沉没掀起怒涛,把婴儿都淹死了。

2.After some time, Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other men's baskets and to put them in his.过了一会儿,纳斯瑞丁就开始从别人筐里拿葡萄往自己筐里放。

3.She arrived pke a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth.她就像比阿特里克斯-波特那样的人物一样挎着柳条编的篮子来,我从来没有见过蔬菜肉汤里可以满溢这么浓浓的爱。

4.The hunter grabbed all the quails, stuffed them in his baskets, and took them home to his wife.猎人抓住了所有的鹌鹑,把它们关进篮子,带回家交给了妻子。

5.She said she had bought two baskets of the flowers for 1, 500 yuan and sent them to her North Korean counterparts Tuesday.她说,她花了1,500元买了两个花篮,并在周二的时候送到了朝鲜负责边贸的官员那边。

6.Sara: It was fun. We celebrated Easter with the children. We gave them Easter baskets filled with candies and cookies. They loved them!莎菈:很好玩,我们和孩子们一起庆祝复活节,并送他们装满糖果饼乾的复活节篮,他们很喜欢!

7.I cannot imagine anyone being thrilled to be told by his employer that he had been awarded a pay increase of 0. 2 baskets.我想象不出,当某人被雇主告知自己获得“0.2个篮子”的加薪时,会欣喜若狂。

8.An old lady, carrying baskets, a sickle, one of my companion toward in the basket, then I was also was put in, I reapzed that this winter.一个老太太,背着篮子,拿着镰刀,一把一把把我的同伴放进了篮子里,随后我也被放了进去,我这才发觉冬天来了。

9.Coal was got by picking it up in buckets and baskets along the maze of tracks in the near-by railroad yard.煤是他们拿着桶子和篮子从附近铁路站场的轨道网里捡来的。

10.There always seems to be extra bags of candy, and extra baskets of cookies strategically placed around your work area.似乎总会有额外的一袋袋的糖果,一篮篮的饼干巧妙的出现在你工作区域里。